RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause
*Chase looks at everyone running like mad. At this, he runs away*
OoC: In other words, I quit. I cannot stand it when a game has very little management and there is too much activity. I have a life, and I just cannot keep up with people going 50 miles per hour. Boddy, next time you try to "run" an RPG, actually take charge of it, not leave it to the piranha tank.
*Chase looks at everyone running like mad. At this, he runs away*
OoC: In other words, I quit. I cannot stand it when a game has very little management and there is too much activity. I have a life, and I just cannot keep up with people going 50 miles per hour. Boddy, next time you try to "run" an RPG, actually take charge of it, not leave it to the piranha tank.