Finished Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

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RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

"A Pahcirisu huh? I bet there are better Electirc-types that I can catch later so. Push that button again my good man." Tidus hands the man the money and whispers something. *Whispering* "Please be Litwick please be Litwick."
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OoC: Boddy, you reset the levels, yes?
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause


Fine..can I trade with an npc so my kadabra evolves?
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OOC:Are we allowed to buy things at HQ?
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

Pokemon Search! LakeShore Pokemon!

Chance thanks Tidus, and pushes the button again to reveal...

#615 Cryogonal

OoC: What levels are you talking about Joey? Oh, and Pokemon who evolve through Trading need to get a Link Box, Pokemon who evolve through Friendship need a Soothe Bell, Pokemon who evolve through certain times need Items that relate to a certain time, and so forth.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

"A Cryogonal huh? I think there may be better Pokemon so push it again." Tidus again hands the man the money.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OOC: Fine... :(

Can I do the bug mission now?
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OOC: so everything was reset since the big mess? Ok that's fine with me. In that case I've never been on a mission yet.

Under these new rules, which missions are available for WA?
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OoC: The ones before the current list of missions. I saw the front page and levels look reasonable, just don't allow anyone else who has done a mission before to level up. As for me, even out all my pokemon so they are all level 7 please.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OoC: Yes, you may. And The Shop will be accessable in a little bit... just wait.


Pokemon Search! LakeShore Pokemon!

Chance takes even more money, and says, "You know, kid, you're betting on a 3/six hundred and fourtysomething chance here."

He pushes the button, and up comes...

#459 Snover

Night of the Living Bugs!

As you walk into the bug infested field, you hear the shrieks of Mei Long in the tunnels, and Ilya's sighing.

"EEK! These bugs are gross! Are you done yet?!" cries Mei Long.

"I'd be done faster if you'd stop screaming, gosh, you're chasing away all the bugs!" cries Ilya.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OOC: can I just go on the lake shore mission? I sort of went on it during the confusion.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause


Gaius goes (alone I guess?) into the field. He begins to look for the bug pokemon


are you using Gen 5 level up tables?

@Safari, it wan't was me trying to run the game when No one else was on
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

"Snover and good Grass and Ice type. Alrighty then time to battle." Tidus walks out into the grass. "Alright Snover come out from where your hiding!" A tree like Pokemon appears in front of Tidus. "Sno!" Suddenly hail starts to fall. "Odd, the weather today mentioned nothing about hail. Oh well. Go Ventus use Peck!" Tidus throws his cube and the Taillow instantly attacks Snover with it's beak. "Snover!" The Snover attacks with snow. "That's not good. Ventus use Quick Attack!" Ventus charges through the Powder Snow and hits Snover dead on! "Nice now go Pokecube!" Tidus throws his Pokecube and after it blinks a few times. It clicks.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OoC: Yes, safariblade, you may. :)

Night of the Living Bugs

Mei Long and Ilya continue to walk down, when they find the one chamber where all the tunnels converged. There, was a large nest, with larvae popping out every minute. Mei Long instantly vomited upon seeing it, and ran away.

Ilya sighed. "Well, I guess this is all me. Turtwig!" He throws out Turtwig, and shouts, "Ok, let's start things off right. Tackle!"

Turtwig tries to Tackle the nest, but it's no use, all it does is wiggle.

OoC: Gaius, you're flamey Charmander might come in handy. ;)
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OoC: I'd like to put 2 candies on Cleffa and 3 on houndour.
Also, about the rules, you say that we are still having a bunch of missions, but a max of 2 person per mission? I think it would be better for there to be one mission per army and all the characters go on their respective missions. That way we can interact with our other troop members, and the posts would be more focused on a central mission. This is the last time I will make this suggestion, so if you disagree I wont say any more on it :p

IC: Raul decided to go back to the commons and check out his pokemon.
"ok! Everybody out!"
Cleffa, houndour, and totodile all popped out of their cubes and landed in the grass.
"Hmm... Ok, Cleffa, what can you do?"
She looked at Raul with a confused look, then looked at the totodile. Without. Moments hesitation, she pounded Totodile right between the eyes. She made a cute giggle as Totodile jumped around in pain.
"Not bad" he said, taking a cigarette out of his pocket.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

"I think I got it. Well hit me up for another one." Tidus picks up the Pokecube and throws the money to Chance.

OoC: That sounded very realistic didn't it?
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause


Gaius approaches the nest with Ily.. "Charmander..Go!" He throws the cube out, and the Lizard pokemon appears. "Burn a hole through the nest! Ember!!"
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

Noah walks up to the man behind the booth.
"so this is the crazy guy giving away the pokemon."
Noah approaches him and holds out $10.
"hi there, id like to play!"
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

@shampoo-thief: The idea is in place, there is just seperate missions and a big mission at times. Think of it like PMD2. Trust me, I have the plans, nothing too key though. Just an overview.
In: *Chase silently slinks into HQ, awaiting for everyone to return*
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

Pokemon Search! LakeShore Pokemon!

Chance laughs. "I like you're spunk!" He pushes the button to reveal...

#193 Yanma

Night of the Living Bugs!

As the flame hits the nest, it becomes instantly engulfed in the flame. It spreads to nearby cobwebs, and it doesn't take long until the entire tunnel system is covered in flames. Ilya calls out to Gaius. "We've got to get out, Turtwig doesn't like Fire!"

He recalls Turtwig, and rushes to get out of the increasing flames.

OoC: shampoo-thief: I'll discuss your idea with Joeypals.
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