Finished Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

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RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OOC: What missions am I able to do now?
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OoC: Not sure. That's what I've been asking.

What WA mission ARE left?
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OOC:None,we did all of them.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OOC: Can I level my pokemon up then?
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OoC: Unless you followed someone on one of the missions, then sorry Lukey, no. Remember WA and RA, you can only embark on ONE mission as of the new rules. However, if there is a small amount of RA members, you can do 2 and reap the benefits, but you will not get a second set of level-ups.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OOC: I still have 5 rare candys from Orientation! :(
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OoC: That you can use. I'm going to need someone to pause the game in a half hour. Just got to school.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OOC:Whoop whoop! I can't do much until Boddy posts some more mission ha ha. Have fun at school :) Im in bed with mono :|
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

Ooc: WHAT! I have ten rare candies I haven't used! Put them on my Pokes so they all reach Level 9, please. Ooc doesn't count as breaking the rules, does it?
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

While training in the commons, Raul gave 3 rare candies to Houndour and 2 to Cleffa, using the last of his rare candies.
"Hmm.. What to do now, guys?" said Raul while taking a puff from his cigarette.
Cleffa nibbled cutely on her candies.
"Your cuteness makes me nauseous"
Cleffa kept nibbling without noticing. Raul smiled.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause



No, it doesnt.

then why did you catch it then? lol


Gaius runs into the grass, trying to find axew Haxorus is quite powerful, I could use a pokemon like him on my team. He spots the Axew playing in the grass. "Go, Uri, use Confusion!" He throws kadabra's pokecube, and immediately the pokemon uses its attack, causing Axew to flail around while trying to maintain ballance and stand. The Axew recovers, and staggers to his feet, tackling Kadabra hard. Kadabra, hurt, rises to its feet. "Confusion, one more time!" The psychic pokemon attacks, and this time it is too much for Axew to recover from and faints. "Pokecube..Go!!" Gaius throws the cube at Axew...Click click click..CAUGHT! Gaius sneers to himself.. "I'll name you Death, for that is what you'll bring to Any who oppose me". Gaius gets back in line waiting for his next turn

$10 to the first RA who can guess my naming theme :p
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

While in the Red Army's sleeping quarters, Lucas decided to give his Rare Candys around to his pokemon, "2 for you Bulba", said Lucas, "Bulba!" his cute little bulb friend exclaimed nibbling at the sweet candy. "2 for Paul" he said to his beloved Snivy. He laid his head down on his pillow and napped, paying attention to the noises around him incase some action happened.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause


Joey that's stupid..why only one mission? Boddy Just let me do 2 last night. I Better get the experience from both. How about, we send All of the Team out on one mission after another in the set, and if they're not on they still get credit, (As they'll be like npcs on that misison). This is what is usually done for DnD and other tabletop games. This way it's less Random, but Also more Diverse. note I've suggested that from way back.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause


IN: Rahul was ready to spin the wheel as well so he got in line
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause


Lukey boddy said last night I could do the field pokemon mission, so I'm pretty sure you can as well
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OOC:Hey Boddy(or Joey),when are there going to be more missions?
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

Ooc: I think after all the missions are done the noise mission still remains.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

@Everyone: Good attempt for the first school time. I would have liked for someone to actually say pause, but I had thought it was implied. I saw posts at 10AM Central when an implied pause was given. Please, don't do it again.

RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OOC. o_O

I didn't know we Paused lol. Sorry!
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OOC: Same I just got back from school and thought the game was back at 3:30
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