Finished Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

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RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

Recon in Mexico City!

At decide to venture into a pub to see if you can find out anything else. you overhear fragments of a conversation from down the bar

The bar is dimly lit, yet there are Many patrons.


"Yeah..I heard she can like fly through the air, without an aeroplane. Wonder how she does it..magic?"


"Ya know there's no such thing as magic, maybe it's some anti gravity boots or something.."

(you're sitting by Raul, with a seat between you)
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

Seems like townsfolk are pretty worried about this flying lady
"Excuse me, Im from the WA id like you to tell me all you know on this flying lady."
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!


Recon in Mexico City!


"Well, no one really knows that much unfortunately..just rumors and secondhand reports..Some say she's a witch, others think she's a angel..I Just think she has some fancy gizmo. Prolly something you lot are deciding to test out, not thinking of how it might scare folks."

From the other end of the bar, a tall man loudly clears his throat and looks in your direction, he motions for you to come his direction
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

Seb walks towards the tall man. "You have information for me?"
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

For Recon in Mexico City!

The man says, in a deep and husky voice:

"So, I hear you're asking about a flying woman?"
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

"Yes im pretty sure everyone heard, do you have information on her?"
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!


For Recon in Mexico City!

The man slowly looks around, and whispers "I can tell you things, but there's too many people here..can't risk being overheard. Follow me if ya want th answers you seek" The man gets off his barstool, pays his tab, and slowly walks out the door.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

Seb follows the man out of the pub, behind the pub a Dwebble looks at Seb as he leaves and follows him unnoticed.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

For Recon in Mexico City!

As GM:

Dwebble can follow you later lol.

IC: The tall man walks into a dark, adjacent alley, and motions you to follow. "We need to stay out of sight"
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

OoC: I am going to hop into the Recon mission with you guys if thats ok.

IC: Raul exits the pub right behing the man and Seb.
"I've been trying to catch up with you." he said quietly. He nodded at the man andpointed to the WA patch to show he was also a soldier with Seb.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

OOC: ok..


The man asked.."So..why does this cloud rider fascinate you so much?"
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

"We were just told to do a recon, you know, report anything weird. Cloud riding is pretty weird... So we thought we would check it out"
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

For Recon in Mexico City!


"Recon huh?" The man stated quizzically, "Pity your mission will end in failure" The tall man snaps his fingers, and, out of the shadows, four figures dressed in Red hooded-cloaks (think "The Village" movie except red not yellow) appear behind the man, and in a split second they converge on Seb, knocking him to the ground and throwing a small burlap bag over his head, and pulling the string on the end, preventing it's easy removal.

What's your response.send out a pokemon or run away?
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

Without a moments hesitation, Raul throws out a pokecube. His Houndour appears in front of him, baring his teeth.
"Use ember"
The Houndour blows hot embers at the men, while avoiding getting any on Seb.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

As GM:

nice, but the guy's ready for that.


The moment Raul reaches for his cube, the man reaches for his own, "Go, Mr. Mime. Use protect!" A barrier forms in front of Seb, causing houndour's flames to bounce off. "You won't win, give up now" The man snaps his fingers again. Unseen to Raul four more men in identical cloaks appear behind him, shoving him to the ground and placing a similar bag over his head. Raul and Seb both feel a knife cutting a small slit in the sack near their mouths for air, Raul hears the tall man's voice close, as if he's bending down to him. "Recall your houndour or I'll slit your friends jugular. You have 5 seconds to comply" After Raul hears this, he can also hear footsteps, moving in Seb's direction.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

Raul recalls his Houndour silently, knowing doing anything else would be stupid.
"What do you want?"
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

The World Avengers

Dec looked at the missions.

Missions said:
Name: Chance and the Grass Lotto!

Info: Help Chance set up a booth near Guadalajara.

Catchable Pokemon: Patrat, Wurmple, Caterpie, Rufflet, Weedle, Sewaddle, Pidove, Vullaby, Shinx, Skorupi, Sandshrew, Diglett, Spearow

Level Range: 5-10

Warning: Once you complete this Mission, a new Mission will become applicable, allowing you to partake in the Grass Lotto.

Rewards: 1 Soil Essence, 1 Stone Essence, 50 Dollars

Dec looked at his Pokemon. "We'll join this one!" Both jumped enthusiastically. Dec, with only 10 level-ups, distributed them, 5 each.

Snivy…………………Lv. 10
Vine Whip……|……Wrap

Horsea………………Lv. 10

Dec eagerly waited for the mission to start.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!


"Good choice" The man said. "If I was ordered to kill you, you two would be dead already. Do not resist further, or suffer the consequences"

Both Seb and Raul feel themselves being dragged to their feet by multiple pairs of hands, those hands then binding your hands behind you with rope. You are led to the open end of the alley, and you can faintly hear the tall man's voice discussing payment for setting the trap, and how he should be paid More as his fee was for only One soldier. You hear the opening of two trunks, and also hear the tall man saunter back into the pub after receiving his payment. You are both shoved forcefully into the trunk, with the door being slammed shut and locked. You faintly hear 8 cardoors open, and then quickly close. Both cars start speeding through the night.

As GM:

A post or 2 if you want to try anything or to Think in character about the situation. Then I'll continue the plot
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

Ooc: Im gone for 30 minutes and this happens, and Dwebble WILL follow me until the end of time!! lol.
Seb sits in the back of the car quietly trying to formulate a plan.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

As GM:

Dec, they kind of finished the mission but I Think it's still on going til boddy posts the next Chance mission (I don't have it). I'll let you get credit for the mission though if you go.

@Pressstart and just for you I'll work dwebble into the next IC post lol
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