RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!
here's the list
Current Missions
The World Avengers
Mission Intel
Name: Recon in Mexico City!
Info: Investigate the city of Mexico City, and report on any strange findings.
Catchable Pokemon: Lillipup, Poochyena, Skorupi, Meowth, Pidove, Rufflet, Rattata, Pidgey, Purrloin, Shinx, Dwebble, Maractus, Sandile
Level Range: 5-10
Rewards: 1 Armor Essence, 1 Opaque Essence, 1 PokeCube
Name: Chance and the Grass Lotto!
Info: Help Chance set up a booth near Guadalajara.
Catchable Pokemon: Patrat, Wurmple, Caterpie, Rufflet, Weedle, Sewaddle, Pidove, Vullaby, Shinx, Skorupi, Sandshrew, Diglett, Spearow
Level Range: 5-10
Warning: Once you complete this Mission, a new Mission will become applicable, allowing you to partake in the Grass Lotto.
Rewards: 1 Soil Essence, 1 Stone Essence, 50 Dollars
Name: Sweets Are Sweeter When Sweetest!
Info: Mysterious activity has been reported in the downtown district of Guadalajara. Investigate at once!
Catchable Pokemon: Smeargle, Audino, Happiny, Meowth, Zigzagoon, Poochyena, Vanillite, Munchlax, Rattata, Lillipup, Pidove, Patrat
Level Range: 5-10
Rewards: 1 Frost Essence, 1 Muscle Essence, 50 Dollars
Name: Pollution Solution! Investigation of the Troublesome Muk!
Info: A foul stench is bubbling from the sewage of Mexico City. Investigate, and put an end to the putrid odor!
Catchable Pokemon: Rattata, Spinarak, Grimer, Koffing, Zigzagoon, Sandile, Totodile, Gulpin, Purrloin, Meowth, Skorupi
Level Range: 5-10
Warning: A Fossil Maniac has been spotted peddling Fossils. Figure out why, and make sure to grab one on the way out.
Rewards: 1 Venom Essence, 1 Norm Essence, 1 PokeCube