Finished Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

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Seb quickly backed up the others and sent out Tepig and Ferroseed "Tepig use Ember, Ferroseed use Rollout!"

sorry guys just got up



Gaius threw the man to the ground and colllected the deed from him. he went back to lotso

Lotso: "I really wish some sort of amicable solution was possible"

Mission Complete


Chance and the Grass Lotto!

The ursaring finally succumbs after a long and hard battle. It saunters off into the forest, leaving you in peace

You can mission complete and then join "Pollution Solution! Investigation of the Troublesome Muk!" if you want

Pollution Solution! Investigation of the Troublesome Muk!

You keep walking down the sewers, but each step you take makes the air smell worse and worse. you pull out your gas masks again..only to find the stench now permeates those as well
The glowing light and millions of Wingulls suddenly comes back because Dan is very confused and drops him in Pollution Solution! Investigation of the Troublesome Muk! leaving Dan not knowing what to do.
"UHHHHHHHHH!!! That stench is SO GROSS!"Jason keeps walking until he comes to a dead end."The stench is the worst right here!I wonder if-"A Grimer comes out of the sewer water,and yells which lets out a bunch of gunk."Ewwww!"GRIMER!!"
OOC:Can I catch the Grimer?

is it listed as catchable in the mission?


Pollution Solution! Investigation of the Troublesome Muk!

you start to see many more grimer...soon a few dozen accumulate
OOC:Anyone from WA can come and get a fossil.I'm going to name my Sandile Biter.
IN:"You've got to be kidding!Sigh..all right!Let's defeat these things!Flare,use Ember on those two over there!Astro,use Wing Attack on the leader!Biter,use Sand attack!Jay use Helping Hand!And Shellder,use Tackle on the leader as well!"Flare's Ember hits two Grimer,and they instantly faint.Shellder and Astro's attack hit the leader,but he melted into the water before they could hit it.Then Grimer came right back up.Sandile's Sand attack blinded all the Grimers before they could dodge it.
Seb gets Jason's call about fossils "Thats pretty cool and I need some more escenses for synthesis" Seb heads to the Pollution Solution! Investigation of the Troublesome Muk! and catches up with Jason.
"Oh good,you got my call!Now,help me defeat these Grimer!Jay,continue to use Helping hand!Flare,use Ember!"Jay(The Eevee)Continues to use Helping Hand,making the moves more powerful.Flare's Ember hits a dozen grimer before they can dodge,and they instantly faint.
Seb lets out his Pokemon "Tepig Ember, Ferroseed Rollout, Rufflet Fury Attack, and Dwebble Rock Blast!" the Grimer soon become overwhelmed but then even more start to come.
Pollution Solution! Investigation of the Troublesome Muk!


The grimer quickly reappear from around a corner..even more than before. approximately 40. You can tell that they originate from somewhere around the bend
"Jason you and my Pokemon hold them off im gonna go see something" Seb heads off deeper into the sewer.
"Ok guys,hold them off as long as you can!"Every five seconds one Grimer would faint,but they just kept coming.
As GM:

You barely make it past the grimer horde alive, you see a Huge Muk, the size of a snorlax, sitting in a pile of sludge. closer inspection shows grimer Spawning from the Muk. You now know the origin of the pokemon and the source of the polution problem
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