Finished Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

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In case you forgot, I have authority to both run RA and WA. Also therefore I have mission details no one besides boddy or joey have, and also therefore I know what we need to do. That being said what Boddy said previous encompassed all of the information that was included for the mission, then the next part literally said "so you escape, and head back to Base with a Mission Complete." Which is Exactly what I did. please ask politely before criticizing, thank you.

For culex:

Chance spins the wheel. "#236...Tyrogue!!"
OoC: Okay, it just seemed like hi, i like water, i kill u with water, y u run away? I wasn't really criticizing it just seemed really short since it took up like half a page.
OoC: Yay! I'm back! Time to get back to some updating. mlouden, while you did stay in the limitations I set for you, you did it very dryly. You seem to be very intent on soloing every Mission, but you can't forget that you've got someone else with you. You should allow thefleeee an opportunity as well, because the way you do things are very swift.

Ok, I'll be back in a bit with your levels and such!

boddy..the misson went on for 72 hours+ probably more like Four days. and even the fleece seemed to want it to just end. in that time WA have done like 3 missions..sorry if I dont wanna keep being behind


Chance spins the wheel...."#74...Geodude!!!"
"I guess I'll battle it. Alright Snover let's go!" "Sno!" Hail starts falling. "Quick use Razor Leaf and Powder Snow!" Snover uses Powder Snow blocking Geodude's vision making it get hit with Razor Leaf knocking it out. "Good job Snover. Another spin sir."

IC: Martha seemed like a terrifying person but rahul stood his ground.

OOC: Sorry guys, Ive had 3rd quarter exams and have been studying
The World Avengers – The Expansive Desert! Pokemon Search!

"Slowpoke? That might be good if I didn't already have a water type… I'll pass."

Dec, deciding he's wasted enough money, headed for home. However, as he's walking, he remembered that there was one Pokemon on this mission that he wanted. He ran into a patch of grass.

A Wild Yamask appeared!


"Go, Horsea! Bubble!"


The Wild Yamask used Astonish!


Dec threw one PokeCube!


Yamask was caught!


Dec, satisfied with his catches, headed for home once more. However, he wandered into a patch of grass, and another encounter started.

A wild Sandile appeared!

"Go! Snivy! Slam!"


The Wild Sandile used Bite!


Dec threw one PokeCube!


Sandile was caught!


As Dec was trying to get out of the grass, he encountered another Pokemon.

A wild Darumaka appeared!

"Go! Snivy! Slam!"


The Wild Darumaka used Tackle!


Dec threw one PokeCube!


Darumaka was caught!


Dec, carefully avoiding the grass this time, headed for home. Mission Complete!

OoC: Boddy903, I have a few questions:

•Are there going to be Technical Machines?
•Are there going to be other kinds of PokeCubes, like QuickCubes, UltraCubes, DuskCubes etc.?
•Is there some kind of PC system to keep our excess Pokemon?

Fleece..I ended the mission, we escaped. the mission had gone on for more than 3 straight days and in the meantime WA has done all of theirs.
"Hey Mareep could be a good electric type. Ready Snover?" "Snover!" "Then let's do it." From the grass a sheep like Pokemon appears. "Alright Snover use Razor Leaf!" Mareep uses Growl lowering Razor Leaf's power. "Quick Powder Snow!" A gust of snow is blow straight at Mareep weakening it. "Alright now go Pokecube!" Tidus throws the cube which shakes twice before Mareep pops out and uses Tackle. "Alright that's it. "Snover finish this with Razor Leaf!" Snover fires a barrage of leaves which knock Mareep out. "Now go Pokecube!" The cube shakes three times and clicks. "Alright I caught Mareep. I think I'll call it Amp. Good job Snover return for now. Thanks for that Chance. See ya next time." Tidus leaves the area. Mission Complete!

Boddy put 5 candies on Axew

Mission Start!!!

The Golden Apple! An Educational Experience!

Info: Mysterious activity has been reported at a schoolhouse on the outskirts of Hong Kong. Find out what it is.

Gaius teleported to half a mile near the school, and decided to walk the rest of the way, so he could conceal his pokemon if any enemies were about. He entered the school
OoC: Guys, I'm soooo sorry that I haven't updated the front post, and have been relatively inactive. You see, while I was updating the front post, my city was having a really bad thunderstorm. It scared me, but suddenly, the entire computer shut down, losing all my progress. If that weren't bad enough, for some reason, I was unable to turn the computer back on. This was all on Friday, mind you. Since then, the computer has been looked at, and some repair people managed to fix it. However, I would have hoped I had gotten a new one, instead, it was just fixed. I'll get back to it, and finish it right now, I promise you. Until then... keep role playing.
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