Finished Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

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Ooc: Boddy is the game ever gonna get updated... this would seriously be the best RPG in the game corner if you updated it.

partially my fault. he gave me a mission for WA but since no one has posted i wasnt sure if anyone cared anymore. i'll run it at noon 12 pm tomorow est
gf asked me at 4 am to hangout today..XD leaving in a few. posting WA info though. run it when I return. VERY sorry.


Name: Take to the Skies! The World Avengers vs. Ariel!

Info: Ariel has been seen commanding a large group of men in an abandoned airfield in Ciudad Juarez. Take this opportunity to ambush her, and find out her true intentions!

Catchable Pokemon: None

Catchable Pokemon (After Phase 1): Pidgey, Zubat, Spearow, Hoothoot, Hoppip, Natu, Taillow, Wingull, Swablu, Starly, Combee, Drifloon, Pidove, Woobat, Ducklett

Level Range: 8-13

Rewards: 1 Sharp Beak, 1 Aviator Essence, 1 Intermediate Essence, 1 PokeCube
"Finally we have a mission. Oh my god, I knew I should've looked for a Rufflet on the last mission. Does anyone have a Pokemon I can borrow for flying in the ambush?" Dan asks.
Sorry, I've been thinking for a few days about this..and I decided that if I'm going to run it, I want to do so completely, not just one mission at a time. so Boddy pm or email me Everything you have so far, also write down what you have in mind for the future plot/story and I'll take over full time. I don't wanna run a mission and then have to wait god knows how long for you send the next one.
2 on each team. lol. and yeah i was thinking about that too. re-opening regs..4 more them 30 candies and choice of starter and up to 5 wheel spins, and choice of any pokemon that was previously available ontheir teams mission
OoC: yeah you probably should run some more of the game, but how long will it be until Boddy comes back? Could you just run this mission for now and ask Boddy later?
I need to put dishes away and then I will. btw since you're active the most I'll give you my cell # if you want so you can text wenever you're on (if it says I'm online, but am just afk playing xbox or w/e) lol
OoC: So I'm guessing the dishes took a few days? I just want to get the update because this is like my favorite RPG ever.
OoC: I'm on for a little longer. I agree with HL, just because we're not on doesn't mean we can't do missions.

kk sorry.

once again:


Name: Take to the Skies! The World Avengers vs. Ariel!

Info: Ariel has been seen commanding a large group of men in an abandoned airfield in Ciudad Juarez. Take this opportunity to ambush her, and find out her true intentions!

Catchable Pokemon: None

Catchable Pokemon (After Phase 1): Pidgey, Zubat, Spearow, Hoothoot, Hoppip, Natu, Taillow, Wingull, Swablu, Starly, Combee, Drifloon, Pidove, Woobat, Ducklett

Level Range: 8-13

Rewards: 1 Sharp Beak, 1 Aviator Essence, 1 Intermediate Essence, 1 PokeCube

As the mission starts..the two of you arrive in Ciudad Juarez..and make your way towards the Airfield..RP for a post or 2 in character about the mission if you want
Ooc: RW and I have a similar character names. Confusion!

Ic: Danny slipped on a pair of shades to go along with the ambush. Shades are always good for sneaky-like stuff. It's been proven. He also put on a black and green suit.(he's Irish, lad') "Let's go kick ye' sky-girl's butt, lad'," Danny muttered to Dan.

I'll give 20 mins for rockwrecker to post and then continue if he doesnt


tired of waiting..let's go

You approach the airfield and see Ariel and 10 of her bodyguards loading crates into a large military-grade cargo plane. Thankfully due to your stealthy approach..they have not seen you. Choose how to handle this
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