OoC: I don't have levels for those Pokemon, that's why I posted them. I was waiting to get levels for them before using rare candies so if you could do that, that would be great.
Skorupi 11, Jigglypuff 13, Sandile 10, and Lapras 13
you can also apply candies and I'll make note of what levels your guys are now. Also..I'm giving boddy overall til tuesday or I'm gonna ask dmaster for permission to just RE-make this as a thread of my own even if boddy doesnt get back to me (since he appointed me as head of it anyway)
Ooc: Sorry for double posting.
World Avengers
"Come on out, everyone!" Dan said preparing for an all out brawl. " Belle (Poochyena) Howl at the other Pokemon! Jigglypuff Sing the opponents to sleep! Blaze (Charmander) use Ember on the Skarmory! Trouble (Skorupi) use Poison Sting on the Gyarados! Shades (Sandile) use Sand Tomb on the Fearow! Lapras use Ice Shard on the Mothim! Rhyhorn use Horn Attack on the Pidgeotto!" Dan shouting out these orders left and right.
OoC: I'm so stupid... Sand Tomb on a Flying type XD
"Come on guys, I need backup! Blaze (Charmander) use Ember on the Skarmory! Rhyhorn Stomp on the sleeping Pidgeotto! Fluffy (Jigglypuff) use Pound on the Scyther! Trouble (Skorupi) Bite the Gyarados! Lapras finish the Mothim off with Ice Shard! Shades (Sandile) Bite the Fearow!" Dan yelled out hoping his allies would come in and help.
Skarmory was once again critically hurt by Ember..but he was able to pull off a steel wing once again..the resulting force knocked out both Charmander and Skarmory
Guard 2:
Pidgeotto lv 18
Pidgeotto was still asleep..and was once again hurt by rhyhorn. It woke up after the attack and Quick attacked Jigglypuff
Guard 3:
Scyther lv. 20
Scyther was moderately hurt by pound, and once Again used X-scissor on Jigglypuff. The assault from both attacks knocked out the pluff pokemon
Guard 4:
Gyarados lv 20
Skorupi bit down on Gyarados, damaging it..Gyarados shook free of the bite and used bite itself on Skorupi
Guard 5:
Mothim lv 18
Mothim was hit point-blank with Ice shard and iclicle spear..but managed to fire one more bug buzz off.This time at Skorupi..He then fell to the ground..knocked out
Guard 6:
Mandibuzz lv 20
Mandibuzz rolled around on the ground..still asleep
Guard 7:
Fearow lv 20:
Bite hit fearow and he took moderate damage..and then used another Aerial Ace on Sandile
Farfetch'd lv 18
Farfetch'd started to sleep walk, carrying his leek around..He stayed asleep
"Guys, my Pokemon are getting KO'd. I need backup!!" Dan said hoping his fellow World Avengers would step in.
"Rhyhorn use Stomp on the Pidgeotto! Lapras use Ice Shard on the Scyther! Trouble (Skorupi) use Bite again on the Gyarados! Shades (Sandile) use Bite again on the Fearow!" Dan shouted out to his Pokemon.