Finished Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

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Since people havn't posted I'll just continue..

As You approach the plane..Aerial and her 2 guards turn to face you

" defeated the other guards...impressive..although you won't be able to defeat me!!"

Aerial grabbed three boards and flipped a switch on each of them..causing them to hover above the ground. She and her guards each got on one and quickly zoomed past you (the group), knocking you you get up you can see her and her guards soaring high into the air"
Boddy pretty much quit and left me in charge
Pm me this app:

Age (10-30):
Country of Origin:
Backstory (At least 5 Lines):
Side You Want to Play on: You'll be RA. I'm the only one left and have therefore stopped their side since the other players are WA
Why Have You Joined This Side?: Because the game master told you to lol
Pick one of the starter pokemon from gen 1-5:
Then I'll rng a choice of 20 can choose 5 of those or also look at the mission list on the front page and you can instead choose any that are catch-able on RA missions.
OOC: mlouden, you might want to clear up the front page a little bit, you know with all the inactive people and such
OOC: havnt posted in weeks. lol. Even when I bugged you about it :p I'll just say we finished the school mission because frankly it was stupid and have us just move on. Would you mind if we moved on to the RA equivolent of the WA mission? or do you want to do the remaining RA missions on the front page? I'll give you credit either way

@Br0ken lol. I just meant in general..he was like "I'll let you re-make if only 2 people post in 2 weeks" but thatl doesn't solve the problem that I can NEVER update the front page EVER XD lol. I'll give you alot of candies to level your guys up and start rpg-ing now and will send them to you after you pm your app

@Fleece..I WOULD LOVE TO LOL. but I can't. Boddy made this thread and HE is the only one who can do that (see above). I asked dmaster if I could re-make the thread and import the game..he said ^. So yeah..I can't lol
I say we move on to the next mission. The only reason I was off is because with just the tow of us its no fun
OoC: Ok I'll be on today so...
"Guys what do we do now? They're getting away!" Dan said frantically looking for options. "Do you think they left behind any of those devices?"
Ooc: HAI BrOkenICE!

Ic: "This is what we do," muttered Danny to Dan. "Boone, you know what do." Danny and Boone connected by wink. Boone used Vine Whip on Dan and threw him at one of the guards. "How does that feel?" joked Danny.
In:"If only Starly was strong enough...I know!"
Jason gives Starly 5 rare Candies.
"Awesome Staravia!Come on!"
Staravia picks up Jason and fly's toward Ariel and her guards.
Danny walked over to the plane. "OMG, there's a ______ here!" Let's use it!
Is that what you wanted? lol

Danny snuck over to the plane. We need something to chase them... but what? Danny continued to ponder but tripped over a....
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