Finished Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

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Guard 2:

Pidgeotto lv 18

Pidgeotto finally succumbed to the repeated attacks of the pokemon..knocking the bird pokemon out


Guard 3:

Scyther lv. 20

Scyther was hit hard by Ice Shard..but managed to hold on. It then used Quick attack on Lapras.

Guard 4:

Gyarados lv 20

Skorupi again bit deep into Gyarados..and Gyarados responded by tackling it into the ground..both pokemon were getting weak

Guard 6:

Mandibuzz lv 20

Mandibuzz rolled around on the ground..still asleep

Guard 7:

Fearow lv 20:

The sandile chomped down around the Fearow's neck, and Fearow used aerial ace, flying low to the ground and scraping sandile against it, causing the pokemon to fall off

Farfetch'd lv 18

Farfetch'd finally woke up when hit with vine whip..he responded with a harsh Fury cutter attack..damaging Boone
"Lapras use Ice Shard again on the Scyther! Trouble (Skorupi) use one last Bite on the Gyarados! Rhyhorn Stomp down on the Mandibuzz! Shades (Sandile) try to Bite again if you can!" Dan said hoping his Pokemon could make it through this tough battle.
Guard 2:

Pidgeotto lv 18

Pidgeotto finally succumbed to the repeated attacks of the pokemon..knocking the bird pokemon out


Guard 3:

Scyther lv. 20

Scyther was hit hard by Ice Shard..but managed to hold on. It then used Quick attack on Lapras.

Guard 4:

Gyarados lv 20

Skorupi ran up and chomped on gyarados's tail. Gyarados..while fainting, smashed it's tail against the ground..KOing Skorupi


Guard 6:

Mandibuzz lv 20

Mandibuzz woke up as it was stomped and used Pluck on the rhyhorn

Guard 7:

Fearow lv 20:

The Fearow was once again bitten by crashed to the ground, fainted.


Farfetch'd lv 18

Farfetch'd once again used Fury Cutter..on Boone..the attack gaining power as it was used before.
Guard 3:

Scyther lv. 20

Scyther was covered in fire..and, although he attempted to retaliate against the new combatant..he fell over knocked out.


Guard 6:

Mandibuzz lv 20

Mandibuzz was hit hard by the ice..and was frozen..he fell out of the sky and shattered into a thousand pieces

Dead lol


nice to see you back dude. I'm going to pm Dmaster to see if I can repost this after this mission.

Also..feel free to approach the plane now there's still 2 goons in there and Aerial herself
OOC:Nice to see you too!:D I've been really busy so I haven't been able to come on.
"Come on guys!It's time to hunt down this bird.":)P)
In: Danny whispered to his teamates. "Let's go for a silent approach now. She'll think we're still occupied. Let's sneak unto the plane, let it take off, then confront them. Eavesdropping for a bit may be wise, then later we can just throw her off." Danny snuck with a Mexican mustache and sombraro onto the plane, but didn't actually go in. "Come on," he gestured.

They're All in the back of the plane..not in the cockpit area. but they can be in the cockpit if you want them to be lol

I thought I did XD either way..they're in the cargo portion of the plane. unless you Really want them to take off lol
OoC: Sorry I have to get off now to do homework. I was just taking a little break. Maybe I'll be back later, maybe I won't.
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