Pokemon: The Dark Age. Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

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RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

OoC:What's happening?
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Read and you'll find out.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Ooc: @Umbreon/Espeon
There was an enemy raid where they destroyed our weapons tent, we got several new recruits, and Blue Wind got promoted.

Ic: The Murkrow says, "Alright, Alright. I'll talk. There's going to be an invasion. An entire division is camping several miles to the west. Without weapons, you guys don't stand a chance." The Murkrow begins laughing crazily, and passes out.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

"Well, now, that's some useful information. What should we do now? Train and make new weapons to prepare?"
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Conan says, "No. We must alert Rogue, and he shall begin the war council." Conan rapidly finds Rogue, and whispers the information in his ear. Rogue says, "Call the War Council now! And hold it in the middle clearing. I want all of our number to hear this." A gong strikes that signals the camp.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Dious makes his way to the clearing and waits.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Krodin picks up the conversation between Conan and Rouge and Blue winds promotion as well then flies to the middle clearing.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Ooc: How does Keodin hear two conversations on opposite sides of camp at once?

Once everyone has gathered in a ring around the clearing, Rogue steps up to the platform and calls for attention. "Hello to all soldiers. As you should know, earlier today, our weapons tent was ransacked, destroying hundreds, if not thousands of weapons. We have learned that the enemy is sending a massive army in a few days to wipe us out. This is not acceptable. Tge last thing they will expect is an attack on them, and so, we will launch a pre-emptive strike directly on their camp. I have just sent Sgt. Stone, our fastest flyer, to send for reinforcements from the western camp. We will launch our attack tomorrow. Smiths, I need you to make weapons. Pyro, you will supervise this. I'll be in my tent. Let's get rolling!"
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Blue Wind was surprised on how quickly the Shadow King had planned an attack. How soon he had devised a war party after an attack was mind boggling. Well, it didnt matter. If there was going to be an attack on The Resistance, then countering it ahead of time seemed like a good idea. Although, Blue Wind did have a few questions before the attack. He stepped inside Rogues tent. "Excuse me sir, may i ask a few questions about the raid?" Blue Wind asked.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Driller woke up instantly. He had a nightmare about the Shadow King's attack on his homeregion. When he heard about the Shadow King's prepared attack he realized that the nightmare had a message. Minutes later he heard that the resistance is making a counterattack he started to prepare by sharping his claws. Then he headed towards the training grounds for practising his techniques. He started with digging a tunnel. It worked out well. Then he jumped out. When he decended he swung his steel claws towards the ground with such force that a fissure cracked up.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Rogue says, "Go ahead, ask away Blue Wind."
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

"I understand you promoted me to seargent. Again, thank you sir. Are you going to be leading the party?"
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

"Yes, I am going to lead the party. From what our scouts say, it is a large camp, which is why I sent for backup. We are panning our strategy now."
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

OOc Krodin makes air molecules vibrate using wind magic sending sound waves toward his ears.
Ic: Krodin tells Blue wind " congratulations sir." And asks Rouge what He can do. Then, he says " anybody seen Rowan?"
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Ooc; This is a midieval world, where no one knows that Molecules exist. Please find another explanation.

Nevermind. I won't be that much of a stickler

I updates Tge front page with info on key NPCs
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Prepare to battle the Shadow King's Legion!

Ooc Thanks.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Prepare to battle the Shadow King's Legion!

Suddenly they heard the same screech they had heard before. It was that Typhlosion!
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Prepare to battle the Shadow King's Legion!

Rogue whips his head around, and runs out of the tent. He sees a Typhlosion, exhausted, running through camp. He hollers, "Stop!"
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Prepare to battle the Shadow King's Legion!

Revolver walks up to where everyone is. "What'd I miss?"
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Prepare to battle the Shadow King's Legion!

Ooc: In theory, everyone was at the meeting.
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