Pokemon: The Dark Age. Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

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RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Blue Wind digged his claws into the ground, shoveling out a ball of rock and dirt, hurling it at Rogue.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

OOC: who's going to talk as the Murkrow?
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Ooc: Both of us will

Ic: Rogue says, "It isn't smart to attack a sorcerer with his own element," and simply stands there.

The Murkrow says, "I'll never tell!"
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

"You're in no position to decide whether or not you talk," Dious said to the Pokemon beneath his foot. "I suggest you start singing like the bird you are."
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Driller wakes up scared. He thought that an intruder had kidnapped him. When he saw Pheater kicking him he felt relieved but he got scratchmarks on his skin. He saw that Pheater was dissapointed so he apologized. He waited for orders sharp and awake.
Ooc: I'm terribly sorry for the recent inactivity but I were forced to help dad painting...
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Ooc: It's okay. As a note, PheAther doesn't kick people :)

Ic: Pheather says, "Show me some of your field tactics," and motions towards a field.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Driller answered: "I do offensive support. I need some sort of dummies to show what I can."
Meanwhile he dug underground.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Pheather says, "Very well." He returns with 5 training dummies (floating due to his psychic powers,) and places them in the ground.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Meanwhile Driller was underground, he used his steel claws to make a fissure, making the enemies (the dummies) unable to move forward.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Ooc Forget my last post I did not read correctly.

Ic Krodin draws an arrow fearing another attack, as he stands guard.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Blue Wind then hurled himself at Rogue, hiding behind the hunk of dirt.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Driller jumped up from underground over the enemies (the dummies). he decended drilling towards the ground. he used his steel claws tearing up the ground making another fissure, trapping the dummies. He jumped out of his tunnel like a rocket. When he saw Pheather sound asleep ha felt disappointed.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Rogue disappears.

Ooc: Pheather is not asleep. He is not that impatient, and not that daft. Also, please don't say what NPCs are doing. That's god-modding.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Ooc: loool :D

Ic: As Blue Wind begins to search for Rogue, he hears a startling yell behind him. It says, "THAT'S ENOUGH!" It is Rogue. He says, "You did a good job, Blue Wind. You are resourceful, agile, and strong, but need to learn some magic and brace against counter attacks. I am promoting you to Seargant. Your squad will be (the game members.) Dismissed."

Pheather says, "I'm impressed. Anything else?"

Ooc: As you all progress, you will rank up.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Blue Wind nodded. "Thank you, sir." Blue Wind walked back to camp. He went to the training grounds to practice countering. If he were to win against Arceus, he should be able to defeat a tyranitar...
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Ooc: I am very sorry...
Ic: Meanwhile he got no orders Driller lied down looking at the sky. He suddently remembered all his previous teammates that got slain by the Shadow King. Tears appeared on Driller's eyes. He remembered the Shadow King wiped out villages and slained the inhabitans. He remembered his resistance rendered useless against his army. He remembered the remain of the resistance get executed by the Shadow King's execution squad for bravely defending the country. Driller started to cry, mourning for his comrades.

EDIT: Badly ninja'd
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Pheather moves over to him, and says, "Whatever's wrong, well help you out. A lot of our soldiers were refugees. We have Pokemom to soothe you. I think we can take a break for now.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Driller answered softly "Okay." and went to the tent to get some sleep...
OoC: I'm going offline to sleep. Good (CET) night!
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Dious puts more pressure on his foot as he waits for somebody to start talking.
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