Pokemon: The Dark Age. Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

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RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Four spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Dark hears the commotion,and rushes toward the weapons tent. He grabs his katana. He spots 3 Murkrow about to lunge at him. One by one they fly at his face,but he slices each one,leaving a huge cut on each of their wings.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Four spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

By now, the Murkrow have been hopefully outnumbered. They surrender, but they have destroyed a large chunk of the weapons tent. Rogue is very angry. He yells, "lock them up in the jail! I want some carpenters and smiths here now! Pyro, will you help?"

Pyro nods.

Rogue looks around and asks, "is there anyone who can help make new weapons?"

A Zoroark walks out from the riverside. He says, "Hello. I had been searching for The Resistance to join it, and heard a commotion. I take it this is the Eastern Camp?"
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 3 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Revolver awakes in a bed, still tired. Maybe too tired. It wouldn't be the end of the world if Revolver went back to sleep for a bit, or at least play possum.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 3 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

"Well, if nobody's going to answer me then I might as well look somewhere else," Dious, the Zoroark, said after nobody replied.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 3 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Rogue looks up. He says, "what's your name?"
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 3 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Krodin arrives too late, and asks "What did I Miss?"
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 3 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Blue Wind had blacked out... Again. EVERYONE had moved to some place else. There seemed to be a Zoroark standing next to a seemingly beaten Rogue. His vision was still blury. It would take a while for him to recognize what was going on.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 3 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Ooc: It must have been the vision. Rogue is fine, just angry :)

Also, conor329, you took out 5 Murkrows. You missed nothing.

Ic: Rogue spots Blue Wind. He asks, "are you okay?" With no response, he calls over one of the medics scurrying around. The medic says, this will wake you up right away."

At the same time, an Excadrill walks out of the forest. Pheather sees him, and says, "Who are you?" The Excadrill says, "My name's Driller. I was with Dious... the Zoroark." Pheather says, "Well get your friend and come with me."
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Ooc OK.

Krodin says, "why does he keep blacking out"?
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

OOC: because im inactive, but i didnt tell you that ._.
Blue Wind snapped out of it. The medic's thingamabob worked like a charm... Now to figure out what was going on. So, Blue Wind asked.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Rogue says, "An enemy squad launched a suprise attack and destroyed a large part of our weapons tent. We are beginning repairs."
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Blue Wind nodded, but how could he have missed that!? If he was activewould stop blacking out, none of this wouldve never happened. Well, it cant be helped now. "Where do I start helping with repairs?" Blue Wind asked.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Rogue says, if you are a smith, we need weapons to be made. If not, there's not much to do, but in a few hours I'm going to call another war council, which you may attend."
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Ooc: please contribute to the conversation. You do no good with blunt answers like that.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Blue Wind thought for a moment, remembering something from before the attack. "Hmmm... Oh yes. Rogue, i remember you saying something about testing my skills?" He asked.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

OOC: Seems like there's no intro that you find me so I have to figure out something...
Game: Driller have woke up from a couple hours of sleep. After some moving he spots some tents. Driller got a bit scared and started to dig an underground tunnel for scouting. He made a small hole for watching. Then Driller saw some text on one of the tents. It stated: The Insert-Landname-Here resistance! Currently recruiting. Driller was so happy that he dug out of the tunnel and going towards the tents hoping to get recruited...
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

"Is there anything I can do while we wait for this War Council?" Dious asked. "I can't build new weapons, but I'll do anything I can to make the Shadow King pay."
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Ooc: I did add you in, PPP. I said you were with Shadow Arceus, if that's okay, and one of my Colonels told you to come with him.

Ic: "Dious, I need you to go with Driller to sign up for the army. After that, see if any of the Murkrow are still conscious and try to interrogate them. (I will be the Murkrow.) Rowan, get these Gengar as far away as you can by nightfall. Blue Wind, come with me," Rogue says. He leads Blue Wind to the forest.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

"Yes sir." Blue Wind answered, following Rogue to the forest. ~lets hope i dont black out again.~ He thought to himself.
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