Pokemon: The Dark Age. Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

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RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age (Five spots remaining! Sign up now!)

Rowan laughs. He tosses a pebble under Krodin's feet, and he crashes to the ground. Rowan says, "that's enough. Clearly you need to work on close combat."
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Five spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

"Ya whatever".
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Five spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Rowan shakes his head. "You never learn respect, do you? If you keep that up, you are going to be dishonorably discharged, or at least put on the cleanup crew."

Ooc: conor329, you are going to be killed off if you continue to not follow your character description. You said Krodin was humble, and I can name several instances where you aren't humble.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Five spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

"Yes sir, sorry sir. Please accept my utmost appolagies and let us continue with training please."
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Five spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

OOC: im really sorry i havent been on lately. i just got back from georgia and ive been catching up with the real world. so here i go again.
IN: "Yes sir." Blue Wind said to Rogue. Blue Wind was a little impatient. He wanted to get to the meditation room to practice what he liked to call, 'Swords Dance Mode'. He followed Rogue to the room anyway, ready to get this over with.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Five spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Ooc: that's fine, the only other players who have been online recently are me and conor329

Ic: Rogue looks at him and grins. He says, "Last night's raid proved to me that you and the rest of your squad are capable fighters. Now I want to see how capable." Blue Wind gets conked on the head by a previously unseen pebble. Rogue takes a few steps back, And says, "Begin."
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Five spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

"Colonel Rowan what do I need to do to get better?"
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Five spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Rowan says, "Patience. You have done enough for now. Go and rest, or do whatever Garchomps do."

A Mightyena is moving by the training field when he notices an unconscious soldier. He runs over, and moves a boulder away from the Pokemon. It is a Slowking. He says, "soldier! Wake up! Are you okay?" When Revolver wakes up, he is in a strange tent, lying on a bed.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Four spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

"Thank you Sir! I look forward to tomorrow."
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Four spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

In the bushes outside of camp, a group of Pokemon lies in wait. Three Gengar, and about twenty Murkrow. They see General Rogue approaching, and they move. A Murkrow lunges towards Blue Wind, two Gengars move towards Rogue, and the rest sprint towards the weapon tent.

Rogue is preparing to train with Blue Wind, when he gets tackled from behind. He throws off his attacker, and yells, "Ambush! Enemies are moving to the weapons tent! Sound the alarm! Man your stations!" Rogue whips around to face his attackers. One Gengar lunges at him, but Rogue pulls out his battle axe and swings it at the Gengar. It passes through him, but the spells on it freeze him solid. Tge other disappears, then appears behind him, but Rogue is ready for this, and before the Gengar can react, he is pinned between two boulders, and is flung far into the distance.

A lone Typhlosion was wandering the forest, when he hears a comotion. He runs into a large camp. There is a Tyranitar barking orders, and a flock of Murkrow and Gengar attacking a tent. He has stumbled upon The Resistance.

Ooc: semi-god mode is now allowed.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Four spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Krodin sprints to the weapons tent grabbing his bow on the way firing four consecutive arrows into the direction if the battle.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Four spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

The Typhlosion was hiding in the bushes hoping that the battle would end soon as he had no weapons on him.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Four spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Ooc: You can use magic and whatnot.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Four spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Ooc: My guy dont know no magic he WAS a blacksmith
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Four spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Ooc: oh ok, but he can still breathe fire, since it's natural for a Typhlosion, unless of course you say otherwise.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Four spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

OOC: struggling to be active.
IN: Blue Wind slammed his claw down on the Murkrow, making it faint. Blue Wind then used the little magic in him (He is incapable of defeating Ghost types without magic, something he cant use well.) on the Gengar's ganging up on Rogue. He tried to at least.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Four spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Typhlosion wished he could help them but he did not know any attack due to learning to be a black smith his hole life. Suddenly a gangar spotted him! Typhlosion started to run.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Four spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Ooc: Rogue already beat the Gengars attacking him, but there was stillnone more with the Murkrows.

Didn't you say your Typhlosion's name was Flare, Zade? It's okay to call him Flare if you want.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Four spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

Krodin spots a murkrow, still running he sends an arrow whistling towards murkrows head.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. Four spots left! Become one of the strongest Pokemon on Earth!

patrick329 said:
Ooc: Rogue already beat the Gengars attacking him, but there was stillnone more with the Murkrows.
Ooc: Ok
Edit: A murkrow spotted flare! Flare started to run while screeching!
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