Pokemon Pokemon Therapy, (Are you ashamed of your hobby?)

RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

Unless all the teachers/bosses/supiriors are also prejudiced against you, I'd just take the beating, get noticed, and have them busted. Even if it grants a trip to the hospital...
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

I dont think you'd be too pleased... Wow, i never thought this thread would get so big. Anyways, yeh most people thinks its nerdy, but who actually cares. If you like it, do it.
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

why should you be ashamed of wat you like to do do you think that football players are do you think the highskool Bitach is and all the other names and lables are think about
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

You could lose all your social status if people know you like Pokemon and you're in high school. You know, it's easy to just say things but can you do the action?
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

so wat if you lose it all high skool is nothing to when you have to go out and work for a living i dont know why yous are so worried about it true friends dont care wat you do mine dont
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

I used to worry about people finding out, but i could care less now since being #1 master in the world isnt anything to be ashamed of :)
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

Dark_Queen said:
so wat if you lose it all high skool is nothing to when you have to go out and work for a living i dont know why yous are so worried about it true friends dont care wat you do mine dont
true friends don't, but true friends with big mouths can get... :mad: *stares at this one particular friend*

Yes, you have a life after high school, BUT do you really want to waste those precious years of your life getting bullied at school, getting stared at, hearing "wanna trade my charizard, LOL ZOMG HAHAHAHA" all the time? Of course you don't! Yes, high school isn't the end, but you're not going to waste your whole adulthood because you will get older and retire? So why waste your high school years because "you still have a life after it"...

Just had to point out how stupid your comment was :p
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

wow this thread is all you need when it comes to pokemon psychiatric help. thanks guys. I've decided, I'll try and make some friends who like pokemon as much as I do at the league that is 5 mins away from my house(by car). I cant wait for saturday!!! If someone sees me from school at the pokemon league it means that

1: they came to the tcg store cause they play tcgs too(all tcg's are geeky, I'll admit it).
2: they really like comics(which is also geeky)
3: or they came to play and have fun and feel the same way I do

overall- I really cant wait to go, thanks guys for all ur comments, they really do help
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

I kinda disagree when you say comics and tcgs are geeky... but otherwize, well said! Just ignore whatever other people say and tell them to look after themselves.
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

I don't collect card anymore(my mom stopped letting me get em for debatable reasons) but I'm addicted to the games.. I was teased at my old school for it but here the community is MUCH smaller and alot of people don't even play video games.. (red.. necks.)
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

vanderbilt_grad said:
I’m 38 and I’m not ashamed.

High school is an interesting time.  The social dynamics are different then than they are in any other time in life.  I completely understand wanting to fit in and whatnot.  One of the things that I remember most strongly about high school is that, while there were jocks, nerds, outcasts, slackers, and all sorts of groups ... a few teenagers were self assured enough to stand out above that.  I remember one guy who was smart (#2 in the class), athletic (football & baseball), and just generally cool.  He was able to fit in with all sorts of folks and he wasn’t the only one like that ... it’s just that there were a lot more of everyone else who seemed stuck in their little cliques or social groups that they had been forced into one way or another.

It’s all about confidence.  Everyone has doubts from time to time but if you believe in yourself and do the things you like then you will be just fine.  I just wish that I had understood that as well when I was younger.  :)

m0nster1nc said:
You don't let anyone play?  Or is that you don't let anyone at your school know you play?

I say...
*inserts word here* you, I lead my own life.  I don't care about what you think I should or shouldn't do.

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
I don't go around advertising it, but if someone asks, I'm not afraid to say yes.

This is exactly my style.

I don't go advertising it, definitely not, some people would think I'm weird, and I'm not much of a social person either.

Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon TCG's are entirely related here. They get rude comments and disapproving sneers from most people in my school.

If someone has something rude to say about it when they see me playing Yu-Gi-Oh, I would make the best comeback I could think of. I don't care what they think, and they'll know it by what I say.

If you have confidence in what you do and how you do it, you can never go wrong.
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

yeah guys, i used to be in the same boat, ppl did harass me for liking Pokemon at my school (a bunch of idiots), they gave it up after Johto, i hung on(Duh!), but yeah just ignore & it'll wear off, like a bad cold, take some medicine like just stating that u like & stating that u don't care what any1 thinks & that every1 is entitled to their own likes & dislikes.

See ppl, who r very narrow-minded just don't want to aceept that other ppl r different and don't always follow the crowd.

so do yourself a favour & don't accept their ignorance & be yourself & do what u wanna do...Be HAPPY:D YAY!:p
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

I forgot to say the same thing PMJ says. Almost no one in my class cares, I'd only put it in if they ask about it. About no one actually cares now.
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

Whether you chose to tell others you play pokemon at school is entirely your decision and will most likely revolve around you and your environment. Naturally we all want to be accepted, and for most it's extremely difficult to admit to something that might interfere with that. However if you're surrounded by a large group of classmates or friends who play, or you're even in an environment with warmhearted people who really just don't care, then you're a fortunate one! Take advantage of it, use it to get to know others like yourself, you'll only make more friends. However, like others have said, if you know you will not be accepted for it and would rather keep it to yourself, that's fine too! there's no shame in it. You do not have to share your business with your entire school. You don't have to make an announcement or send out a letter. Who cares!

As long as you're self assured, you'll be happy. You don't have to tell everyone your interests to be self assured. To be self assured you realize and accept your own interests with pride - and those are the people who go far in life. Whether you chose to share it with others is optional, and like I said, depends on you and your environment.

Listening to all of your stories and input here, it seems like a lot of people hide it. Do I hide it? Yeah sort of. A few of my friends know and don't care because we're girl gamers who like video games too. No we're not what you might call "nerdy" and we're not popular, either. It's just that we've known each other for so long - everyone in every clique - that we're all basically friends anyways. Sometimes we hang out, sometimes we don't, but usually we just stay with our CLOSEST of friends, and THAT is how we're divided. Im sure that if I told a few people I played pokemon, they'd probably just raise and eyebrow at me and give me a look that says "..good for you..?" lol, then it would probably die after about 2 weeks or something. That's a pretty secure environment, so why don't I tell others? I'll tell you why: I never really thought I had to. o.o I play pokemon with my spare time and enjoy it, its a fun thing for me. I don't really know what a lot of people at my school do when they go home. I imagine a lot of them probably play sports like me, others maybe have music lessons, maybe some just work on homework and go to bed - I do that too. Its your own life, so do whatever you want with it - so long as you're not hurting others or hurting yourself.

I dont bring my hobby to school, but im not ashamed to play the games at home, or on the road, or while a friend is over. They love me for me and thats all that really matters to me. Everyone has their own interests. Everyone is different. So if you chose to tell others - thats great, and if you don't? That's great too. So long as you're doing what makes you happy, nothing else matters.

So bottom line: There are probably A LOT of people that you know ("popular" or "unpopular") that play pokemon and hide it too.. like we've seen here it could be the "nerdiest" of nerds or the most "popular" of football players. I'm sure many of the more popular people who secretly play pokemon feel a little stressed or worried, and they probably second guess themselves. Most people don't come out with it because they're afraid they'll be rejected - and obviously thats reasonable. Highschool is a time when no one is really sure of his/her self. Hell, I second guess and doubt myself constantly, but eventually I'll grow out of it. So if you want to admit to it or not - its all up to you. But don't feel obligated to, and certainly don't feel ashamed about what makes you happy. Happiness is what many people spend their whole lives looking for! So if you really enjoy it, be proud of yourself. I've loved pokemon since it was little because it was the one thing my brother and I could play and share and not argue about. For me I grew up with it, so naturally I like it. You'll find a lot of adults still take part in activities that made them happy as a child because it reminds them of happy times and still brings happiness TO them. Every adult remains a child, some embrace it more than others. Some force themselves to look the other way and think "No, im too mature for that." Fact is, immaturity is lack of wisdom and knowledge - Wisdom and knowledge aren't obstacles for having fun, SO HAVE FUN.

Do you thing. ;D
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

i feel no reason to be ashamed.alot of people i know(most)play pokemon,so i dont give a hoot(cowboy accent).but if lots of people don't like it,ignore them.don't let them get in the way of having fun(i think thats already been said).fun is life.without fun there is no meaning of life.do whatever makes you happy:)
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

this thread should be called pokemon therapy lolz... I've been going to the pokemon league for 2 weeks now, and I'm proud of it! I got a great charizard d card out of it too!
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

I have to hide it everyone stoped in 4th and Im now in 6th it is really embarssing
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

never. I went to school today with a gameboy in my hand proud of it. To me its my pastime, ive been playin this game most of my life. If people have a problem with it then they can take it up with me. In fact, many people play it at my school......nobody really makes fun of you, maybe behind my back, but I dont care. Its fun to me.....its what I DO. Thats why this site is so great.....everyone likes pokemon and theres no hate. Thats what we all live for.....well at least me