Love the new energy
Not a huge fan of the V Card Style, I think GX was a bit better. Looks like they did something weird with the colors like oversaturated or brightened them up or something. Can't put my finger on it...
Love that we're getting general energy power. So annoying to see Fire Type get an insanely powerful energy attaching card (2 energy AND draw 3, I can't be the only one who thinks that's OP...) and other types be left in the dust.
Love quickball and the evo incense too. It's nice to see some general cards instead of stuff that only works on certain types.
I hope they have less cards that actively counter V cards this gen. Imo they were way too hard on GXs and Tag Teams. The whole point of having them is that they're stronger than normal pokemon, but your opponent gets more prize cards for taking them out. Defeats the whole purpose if there are so many cards that punish you even further for using them like catchers, damage between turns, canceling their abilities even on the bench, doing bonus damage, etc. That stuff should be very specific if it exists at all, not just some general cards that can be thrown in with any deck (I thought things like Gen 6's Regice was fine because it was only immune for 1 turn to EXs after it used a specific attack, not an ability that makes it always immune with no cost)