It's a shame that GX cards will be so short lived. EX cards lasted for BW and XY, so I hoped the GX cards would last for Sword and Sheild too, but change happens I guess. Looks like V-MAX Pokemon will be like Mega Evolutions. But 202 cards for an entry set is completely ridiculous. Lost Thunder was okay as a one off mega set, but with so many sets in Japan being pumped out, had led to Unbroken Bonds, Unified Minds and soon Cosmic Eclipse to be far to big. It doesn't help that those sets have tons of bulk terrible cards worth nothing, which greatly reduces the chance of getting playable cards, which defeats the point of opening packs. So either the Japanese set is massive, or they are getting 3 Sword and Sheild sets before we get one. I've collected sets since XY, but this is the end of that for me. If I want a card, I'll order it online. Sets have just got too big.