Wi-Fi Trades Poop Sauce Updated and Has a Service Thing Now UP!

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RE: Poop Sauce Update With Ev'd Pokemon and 10 ANIV Pokemon

DiamondBattler look at my contact time because at 11:59 AM Pacific Time I'm still at school.
RE: Poop Sauce Update With Ev'd Pokemon and 10 ANIV Pokemon

What is the Nature and what are the IVs of the Zapdos (UT) you have?

Also, do you have any nice, EVed Garchomps?


Shawn out.
RE: Poop Sauce Update With Ev'd Pokemon and 10 ANIV Pokemon

Sorry but I don't trade with Detroit Piston fans..... I'm just jokin with you the nature is Naive and heres the IVs....
Naïve #145 Zapdos: 26 - 27 / 13 - 14 / 2 / 27 / 16 - 17 / 6 - 7 (thats with out EVs)
RE: Poop Sauce Update With Ev'd Pokemon and 10 ANIV Pokemon

Poop Sauce said:
Sorry but I don't trade with Detroit Piston fans.... I'm just jokin with you the nature is Naive and heres the IVs....
Naïve #145 Zapdos: 26 - 27 / 13 - 14 / 2 / 27 / 16 - 17 / 6 - 7 (thats with out EVs)

Why does everyone seemingly dislike them? :p

Anyways, what is the HP and its power?

And about Garchomp...? :O

Shawn out.
RE: Poop Sauce Update With Ev'd Pokemon and 10 ANIV Pokemon

Zapdos Hidden Power Type is Electric, but what do you mean by Power and sorry but I do not have a Garchomp.....
RE: Poop Sauce Update With Ev'd Pokemon and 10 ANIV Pokemon

The power is 0-70.

And I don't need it now, sorry. =P

I'll edit this post if I find anything else I want from you.

EDIT: What moves are on that EVed Gallade?

Shawn out.
RE: Poop Sauce Update With Ev'd Pokemon and 10 ANIV Pokemon

Gallades move set is Night Slash, Close Combat, Psycho Cut, and Sword Dance. I can Edit the Move Set if you want me to because I have all the TMs and I have a lot of Heart Scales....
RE: Poop Sauce Update With Ev'd Pokemon and 10 ANIV Pokemon

Poop Sauce said:
Gallades move set is Night Slash, Close Combat, Psycho Cut, and Sword Dance. I can Edit the Move Set if you want me to because I have all the TMs and I have a lot of Heart Scales....

Hmm... I will definitely consider it and LYK later.

Shawn out.
RE: Poop Sauce Update With Ev'd Pokemon and 10 ANIV Pokemon

I'll let you know later. ;D

For the record, did you see anything you liked on my list?

Shawn out.
RE: Poop Sauce Update With Ev'd Pokemon and 10 ANIV Pokemon

How long would be later?

I do like these.....
Milotic (Timid with Surf, Ice Beam, Recover, Dragon Pulse)
Milotic (SHINY!! :O)
Ninjask (fully EVed with BP, SD, Protect, all that jazz)
Weavile (fully EVed, Jolly, with Ice Punch, Fake Out, Night Slash, and Brick Break)
Starmie (fully EVed with Surf, Ice Beam, T-Bolt, Rapid Spin)
Salamance (fully EVed, Naive)
Metagross (fully EVed, Adamant)
Alakazam (SHINY!! :O, Hasty, with Psychic, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, and Focus Blast)
Infernape (fully EVed, Jolly, with a physical moveset)
Dusknoir (fully EVed, Careful, with Shadow Sneak, WoW, Pain Split, and Ice Punch)
Pory-Z (fully EVed, Modest, unsure on whether or not it is hacked)
Bronzong (fully EVed, Careful, with Reflect, Light Screen, Hypnosis, and Gyro Ball)
RE: Poop Sauce Update With Ev'd Pokemon and 10 ANIV Pokemon

lol, it didn't take me very long to decide.

Okay, the way you EVed Gallade, is it better as a T-Waver or as an all-out attacker?

(T-Waver sets have very little to no Speed EVs, and the all-out attacking set has lotsa them.)

Shawn out.
RE: Poop Sauce Update With Ev'd Pokemon and 10 ANIV Pokemon

He is much more of T-Waver and I don't know if you noticed but his Attack is 1 Point away from being MAX out.
RE: Poop Sauce Update With Ev'd Pokemon and 10 ANIV Pokemon

I did notice that. =D

Okay, could you make his set this, then?

- Swords Dance
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge (if you don't have the TM for it, Night Slash)
- Thunder Wave

And I can give you any one of the things you wanted, except a shiny, unless you can provide a Life Orb with the Gallade. Post what you'd like, and I'll get right to cloning it.

Shawn out.
RE: Poop Sauce Update With Ev'd Pokemon and 10 ANIV Pokemon

I will take your Dusknoir (fully EVed, Careful, with Shadow Sneak, WoW, Pain Split, and Ice Punch), but I have to get off now because its late but I will be on tommarow 3:20 Pacific Time, Updating, and doing all that good stuff.
RE: Poop Sauce Update With Ev'd Pokemon and 10 ANIV Pokemon

Great, that gives me time to clone the thing (I always have a hard time doing that .-.).

Shawn out.
RE: Poop Sauce Update With Ev'd Pokemon and 10 ANIV Pokemon

CCloud =F I'm back so just let me know when you are ready.....
RE: Poop Sauce with more Shiny, Ev'd, and Event Pokemon

Okay, I'm ready. Umm, is it possible you can rename that Gallade something else besides its default? I can't really think of anything, so give it something creative. :O

Shawn out.
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