Wi-Fi Trades Poop Sauce Updated and Has a Service Thing Now UP!

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RE: Poop Sauce with more Shiny, Ev'd, and Event Pokemon

Ok, I have your FC. Enter mine. I'll be on wi-fi.
RE: Poop Sauce with more Shiny, Ev'd, and Event Pokemon

My friend code is 4811 4661 0157, would you like to trade now?
RE: Poop Sauce with more Shiny, Ev'd, and Event Pokemon

Sorry chris k`0 I got off right after those two trades that I did....
RE: Poop Sauce with more Shiny, Ev'd, and Event Pokemon

Poop Sauce said:
Thanks a lot for the trade MquaZa and DiamondBattler....

No problem, and thank you too
RE: Poop Sauce with more Shiny, Ev'd, and Event Pokemon

so when would you like to trade ill be on at 9:00 today for about an hour.
RE: Poop Sauce with more Shiny, Ev'd, and Event Pokemon

dark fire sorry, but thats a stupid offer didn't you read my rule that says "1. I do accept hacked pokemon, but I will not trade big for them." and the other that says "3. If you give me a stupid offer I will ignore you or give you a rude reply."

chris k`0 ya I will try to get on at that time.
RE: Poop Sauce with more Shiny, Ev'd, and Event Pokemon

chris k`0 I didn't know your local time so thats why I did not get on when you got on.
RE: Poop Sauce with more Shiny, Ev'd, and Event Pokemon

x Flygon Lv 100 Ev'd Atk 255/Speed 255
x Dugtrio Lv 100 Ev'd Atk 255/Speed 255
x Donphan Lv 100 Ev'd Atk 255/Def 255
RE: Poop Sauce with more Shiny, Ev'd, and Event Pokemon

x Flygon Lv 100 Ev'd Atk 255/Speed 255 Adamant
x Dugtrio Lv 100 Ev'd Atk 255/Speed 255 Jolly
x Donphan Lv 100 Ev'd Atk 255/Def 255 Impish
RE: Poop Sauce with more Shiny, Ev'd, and Event Pokemon

dark fire what do you mean by "ok than ill take any thing."
RE: Poop Sauce with more Shiny, Ev'd, and Event Pokemon

Poop Sauce said:
Any Pokemon with at least one 29 or more IV

...I have some Chimchars with Thunderpunch that have at least 29 on at least one stat... Interested?
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