If I am offering any breedable shiny, chances are I don't want someone else's breedable shiny. [/broken record]
Well I would hope to get 3 for it just because that mence is super valuable due to its flawless IVs, i could also throw in a shiny ponyta,or shiny shinx,or a horsea with 31 IV in attack/speed
So that would make the trade:
Three of my RNGed shinys of your choice
Uber mence and a shiny horsea w/ a 31 in ATK/SPE!?
If that's the case, you got your self a deal my friend.
Porygon is the best pokemon ever.I can offer Goons Scizor UT for the IV breed piplup, I can clone to if nessesary.
Deal, if you would clone it for me.