Dohohohoh! I see RNG services! ;0
I'm lookin' for a nice IV Magnemite with Hidden Power Ice, non-shiny, with a Modest nature and Magnet Pull. Is there any way you could also trade the egg over with the IVs still being decided or no? If not, that's alright, but I would prefer the egg with IVs in tact (like I said, if that's impossible, then it's impossible...)
I also like the idea of a shiny Torchic. Any ol' shiny Torchic egg (again, if possible, I'd prefer to trade it over and keep the shininess. ;0)
I know I have a few Dubious Discs (like 4-7), and I can get ahold of all the Upgrades you could ever want or need, thanks to my Emerald version. (It'll obviously just take some time to do.) Same thing with EXP Share, AND I can get Lucky Eggs fairly easily too. I also have the following legit shinies. Most have been a little touched but I caught them all myself, so they're 100% legit.
-Relaxed Gligar Lv. 24 (needs to be cloned first)
-Jolly Togetic Lv. 30
-Bashful Ditto Lv. 62 (touched a good bit)
-Modest Banette Lv. 40 (touched lots)
-Relaxed Qwilfish Lv. 24
I also have access to about 99% of the first 50 TMs, if you needed any of them.
Interested at all? I'm more interested in the HP Ice Mag then anything else, so let me know!