Presidential Candidates~2008

Who do YOU think will win the election?

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Dawnfanboy said:
There is an OTHER on the list, you know. Just choose OTHER

Other isn't good enough for me! ;o

Just kidding... I did choose "Other." :F
Thanks. And I don't really want Hillary to win either, but it looks like she has it in the bag...:(
I'm pretty confident that a Democrat will win this election. Bush's poll results are very low, and people want someone who will try to pull out of Iraq (I'm speaking generally between both parties, I know a few Republicans want to pull out, like Ron Paul).
Yeah. I don't think there is ANY way that a Republican will win this one.
It gets annoying too because a lot of my friends support conservatives (or at least reject liberals) and they talk trash about liberals all of the time. That's why I don't think kids should be brought into politics until they are older because dividing them politically at such a young age will not lead to good things in the future.
Yeah. I am glad there is an age limit, but some kids would actually take it me...:)

And I'd like to remind everybody that Dawnfanboy is a dude. >_>
People you do know Al Gore isn't even running.
Dawnfanboy said:
Heck, I wouldn't care if Hillary Clinton became President. But, I say Al Gore. Give him a chance :p !

Like I said before he isn't even running
also I really don't know who to pick really I haven't seen the background of the different people who are running to see who would be the best person for the job.
Also Gore is practically the biggest liar/cheater I have ever heard of in politics please know what your talking about before starting an argument.
I'm for Mitt Romny all the way. I agree with all his principles. Plus I'm Mormon too.
Al Gore said:
It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in
our air and water that are doing it."
--Al Gore, Vice President

Yeah, not much of a fan.
Did he really say that?
That is somewhat true though. Most people portray Global warming as Pollution cutting down tree's and stuff but that is defiantly incorrect. Global Warming has been alot wost than what is is right now and back then there wasn't even power plants.

The Earth naturally produces extremely dangerous gases and here is how extremely dangerous they are. A volcano releases enough dangerous gases equal to the amount of pollution of all of the cars in the world for eight years. So Gore is right there so if you really want to help the world stop a volcano.

A time when Global Warming was worse than this and the World never ended obviously it just had a great freeze.
Panda said:
Also Gore is practically the biggest liar/cheater I have ever heard of in politics please know what your talking about before starting an argument.

Do you know what an opinion is? Unless you know for a fact that he is the biggest liar/cheater ever, please do not shoot down other people's support for him.
First off sorry if people thought I was flaming

Second off: He is portrayed as a person who is trying to save the environment correct? and that is very good and noble. But really there is a controversy going on that a scientist who made him aware of all of these things that are happening and the scientist is who really did all of the work.

Thirdly many scientist know that Global Warming isn't going at the extent as he says it is. The were going to make a report to prove Gore wrong but The were bribed for the project to be shut down. Hmmm that isn't fishy at all not one bit.
Panda said:
Hmmm that isn't fishy at all not one bit.

Obviously you don't know what an opinion is then. Opinions cannot be wrong. If someone says they support Al Gore, then you can't say that opinion is wrong because it's based on feelings, not facts. Just because it may seem fishy to you doesn't mean it does to everyone else.
Noob Sandwich said:
Panda said:
Hmmm that isn't fishy at all not one bit.

Obviously you don't know what an opinion is then. Opinions cannot be wrong. If someone says they support Al Gore, then you can't say that opinion is wrong because it's based on feelings, not facts. Just because it may seem fishy to you doesn't mean it does to everyone else.

That was sarcasm. Also you are flaming about how I don't know what an opinion is when you say they can't be wrong when they can. The just aren't wrong in the persons perspective. Say that im dying in a hospital I say im not hurt im perfectly fine that obviously was an opinion because I feel that im fine but I am wrong because I am dying. So you see opinions can be wrong.
Panda said:
That was sarcasm. Also you are flaming about how I don't know what an opinion is when you say they can't be wrong when they can. The just aren't wrong in the persons perspective. Say that im dying in a hospital I say im not hurt im perfectly fine that obviously was an opinion because I feel that im fine but I am wrong because I am dying. So you see opinions can be wrong.

Suddenly a discussion is flaming?

That opinion is still not wrong because it is still what you feel. An opinion is based on feelings, not facts. Even if you actually hurt and you feel fine, nobody can change the fact that you feel fine. Opinions cannot be wrong.
Flaming or Cyber bulling when people put other people down.
Panda said:
Please know what your talking about before starting an argument
I wasn't putting anyone down I just wanted to argue with someone who knew politics.

You wrote
Noob Sandwhich said:
Obviously you don't know what a opinion is

Using obviously puts emphasis on me being not able to understand what an opinion is and is a strong word that says hey look at this guy its obvious he doesn't know what a opinion is. Not that public like I exaggerated in that sentence but still in a reasonable range of insult.

In conclusion put down= cyber bulling= flaming

Opinion- a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
So a opinion can never be wrong in your prospective since it is a personal view.

Seriously how is bribing scientist to not finish there report on Gore's exaggeration of Global warming not fishy?
I personally think Rudy Giuliani will win the election.If Giuliani can win the republican nomination I am pretty sure he would win due to some of his liberal views such as being pro choice bringing him swing votes.
Panda said:
Using obviously puts emphasis on me being not able to understand what an opinion is and is a strong word that says hey look at this guy its obvious he doesn't know what a opinion is. Not that public like I exaggerated in that sentence but still in a reasonable range of insult.

In conclusion put down= cyber bulling= flaming

Please don't play off of everyone's emotions because you can't act like you are being bullied if you are arguing back at me. If you want to be sensitive, then fine. But with the cyber bullying thread in this forum, I think if what I did was wrong, I would have already been warned.

Seriously how is bribing scientist to not finish there report on Gore's exaggeration of Global warming not fishy?

I'm not defending him - I'm merely raising a point of view that you didn't see.
Noob Sandwich said:
Panda said:
Using obviously puts emphasis on me being not able to understand what an opinion is and is a strong word that says hey look at this guy its obvious he doesn't know what a opinion is. Not that public like I exaggerated in that sentence but still in a reasonable range of insult.

In conclusion put down= cyber bulling= flaming

Please don't play off of everyone's emotions because you can't act like you are being bullied if you are arguing back at me. If you want to be sensitive, then fine. But with the cyber bullying thread in this forum, I think if what I did was wrong, I would have already been warned.

I don't know if this will sound mean but come on your not even being considerate of people here you don't know what some people may have mentally or if someone is going through something tragic in there life also I never reported this thread and I doubt someone else did.