Presidential Candidates~2008

Who do YOU think will win the election?

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You don't even know how much that makes me feel better :)
I heard that Obama guy is going to change marriage laws which can lead to a downfall of a civilization it was some professor talked about. Basically if he always ___ ( multiple spouses I forgot the word ) soon they will allow Homosexuality after they gain there rights to be married they would have to allow ____( I forgot the word but when you have multiple male and female spouses ) which lead a downfall to many civilizations.
Vote Juliani.
As a member of the Military, I must say that he is the only man who I could sleep safely at night knowing he leads our country.
Be an actual leader?
Know how to run a country and NOT embarass us by bieng a complete jack ass?
Juliani is the only politician with the guts to say he is against abortion but would allow it, he won't be one to stand for other people's bull crap.
Thats all I need to know.
Noob Sandwich said:
I'm pretty confident that a Democrat will win this election. Bush's poll results are very low, and people want someone who will try to pull out of Iraq (I'm speaking generally between both parties, I know a few Republicans want to pull out, like Ron Paul).

The LIBERAL media may not tell you this, but the DEMOCRATIC controlled congress has much lower poll results than President Bush. I also think Mitt Romney will win. Mormons are very good people. Also, surrender in this war will lead to more terrorist attacks in our country. al-Quida has released a video supporting Hillary. Will the LIBERAL media tell you this? No.
DogMaster40 said:
Noob Sandwich said:
I'm pretty confident that a Democrat will win this election. Bush's poll results are very low, and people want someone who will try to pull out of Iraq (I'm speaking generally between both parties, I know a few Republicans want to pull out, like Ron Paul).

Mormons are very good people. Also, surrender in this war will lead to more terrorist attacks in our country. al-Quida has released a video supporting Hillary. Will the LIBERAL media tell you this? No.

Very true though war is very ugly it is needed to sustain peace. If we pulled out of Iraq it can be the beggining of World War 3.

Thats why we still keep our troops there. There would probably be American troops there for a pretty long time.
DogMaster40 said:
The LIBERAL media may not tell you this, but the DEMOCRATIC controlled congress has much lower poll results than President Bush. I also think Mitt Romney will win. Mormons are very good people. Also, surrender in this war will lead to more terrorist attacks in our country. al-Quida has released a video supporting Hillary. Will the LIBERAL media tell you this? No.

I don't need the media to tell me that a Democrat will win the election.
If a Democrat wins the election, I will be amazed. I don't see ONE competant Democratic candidate.
Noob Sandwich said:
Airman829 said:
If a Democrat wins the election, I will be amazed. I don't see ONE competant Democratic candidate.

What makes you right? I thought there was no right or wrong :)

Hilary would be a good President if this were a peace time, especially if she listens to her advisors and her husband. But I HIGHLY doupt she could handle a war-time situation.

Obama is a joke. Seriously. The guy has like 0 political experience. Maybe after he gets older and learns more he might be a good president, but for now, the only reason anyone would seriously vote for him is because he is black.

Edwards is another joke. Even worse than Kerry was, he can't stick his opinion to one side of an arguement for more than 10 seconds, how is HE going to be able to run this country?

Who else? These are the Democratic candidates with the highest votes, and none of them are the right leader for right now. We need someone decisive, with experience and who doesn't fold under pressure. Juliani ran New York for many years, and lets be honest, if you can work New York, you can work anywhere.
You still haven't answered my question. You told me before that there was no right or wrong. You are telling everyone that a Democrat won't make a good president - you can't say that unless you acknowledge the fact that there is right and wrong.
There isn't a right witht the terroist attacks on 9/11 either, from their point of view they were accomplishing good and attacking evil, us. Sometimes you just need to look beyond right and wrong and look at common sense, none of the Democratic candidates would be able to handle the war in Iraq as alot of the Republican candidates could. You are right about on thing, there is a right and a wrong. So, you can either agree with me and be right, or stick to your silly optomistic views and be wrong =P.
I disagree with you on the opinion, but thank you for saying that there is a right and a wrong. I don't want to argue over candidates though.
Clinton will win the presidency if she gets the nod from the DNC......the chances of the US electing a Republicican President after the horrid 4 years we've had....getting in horrible debt and starting and not finishing a war in Iraq losing more money that could have when to where we need it;schools, govt funding for programs, medical programs etc. Those are mostly Democratic issues while Republicians dont show any interest on pulling out of least thats what I've seen.....but once shes gets elected, I'll still miss making fun of Bush.....hes so funny.

-Black Rayquaza
Hilary obama would never win .... girl/not white..... i love this country and would give up my life for it.... but there is to many ignorant people in the middle states to vote for them.... i am voting republican even tho i am in favor of alot of democratic views, but dems are to soft.....
"The enviroment is to big of a problem to be left alone. "

sorry to hear that, it is a big problem but im pretty sure its not on the list of priorities..... candidates will talk about it for 5 mins just to get the greenpeace people to vote for them and that is it......
