Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament IT ALL STARTED HERE!

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RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!

Added.....We only need one more member to start Project Custom. Should we contiune adding members or go with 15....theres still some PM's that havent been replied to yet.....90% have. So whatta think?

-Black Rayquaza
RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!

At the rate this thread is filling up, I suggest we wait for the last member.
RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!

Seems that I'm allowed to post here, so...

This seems like it will be very good. I recognize many people on the list, and they are very good artists. I'll be watching this. =]
RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!

Anybody can post here :]

and Thanks alot....after feeling the letdown Max ShadeIV's Fan Creations Tournament gave me, I've decided to make a REAL Tournament thats FAIR and one where the host cares enough to give everyone a fair shot :]

So yeah.....glad people are watching it :D

-Black Rayquaza
RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!

How wasn't his fair?
RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!

B Ray, could you make us a small button that would say something like "Currently in competiton: Project Custom", or somethin' so I can put it in my shop, so the guys will understand why I can't work.

RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!

Achmetha said:
How wasn't his fair?

Well.....a couple reasons.
1. You graded 90% of your scores based on the Fanfic and it wasnt a fanfic tournament....its called FAN CREATIONS FOR A REASON. In the Overall Impression catogory, all of your comments were on the fanfic, as well as when you graded Monkeykings Trainer Cards higher than me for being related to the Fanfic.....I tried to tell Max to set this straight and for you to be a fair judge of ART not of Fanfic-related art but he didnt care enough....he only wanted the contest for "inspiration". If I would have known that I certainly would not have spent so much time and effort for nothing.

2. There were only two judges.....that really isnt fair as if one judge didnt like your work you lost basically....there needed to be more than 2 at least to give everyone a fair shake.

3. It wasnt run well at all.....he was inactive when everyone had questions, were submitting things, quitting, etc etc. No wonder only 4 Teams got their final work fact, Vasoguardx turned his in before MUCKSTERS and didnt get graded.....thats fair right?

Im really done talking about it....I've already found my solution to the problem...and your looking at it. This is a fair tournament with numerous judges and great artists. It should be fun.

Necro_Thy said:
B Ray, could you make us a small button that would say something like "Currently in competiton: Project Custom", or somethin' so I can put it in my shop, so the guys will understand why I can't work.


Well I could.....but I dont think you'd need it :] It's only a once a week challenge and wont be due till a week from the day it starts. I'll see what I can do though.....well see if other people want it :]

-Black Rayquaza
RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!

I'm leaving now B-ray; I'll be back next saturday.
RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!

FANFICS! *screams*

Please no... I'm rubbish at writing...

Mind you, I have got an idea...
RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!

There WILL be some sort of Fan-Fic challenge in here somewhere....but dont worry :] I'll make it easy enough....wont be a TON of writing...just 1-2 Chapters.....we'll see.

Aqua-CYA next Saturday!
RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!

How much do you mean by 1-2 chapters,... When the challenge comes, it would be better if the rule would be like ??? words. Just an idea.

RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!

Very true.....Let me see how many words my average chapter is and get back to you :]

-Black Rayquaza
RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!

How many points will right grammar give you(In fanfic that is). Cuz, I have a lot of grammar weakneses,...

RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!

It will not count against you unless the judge is unable to read it.....thats the fair way to do it. Were merely grading on the piece of writing you submit and how it relates to the challenge.

Also Max ShadeIV will be added to the judges more judges will be added unless one resigns. Sorry to those I've talked to/PM'd about were just a tad too late.

-Black Rayquaza
RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!

Well, I decided to get on MSN for the first time today and B-Ray offered me the judges spot. Well, to say the least this should be fun. It's much more thought out than my tournament was, and I'm very glad to know B-Ray wants me involved with this. Good luck to all competitors, you'll hear from me here about once a week or so.

RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!


Who's going to be the last spot???

-Black Rayquaza
RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!

We have to find the last one quickly,... Im very exited 'bout this. BTW, B Ray you said you were going to tell how many words is fanfic going to be,...

RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!

Ya I really can't wait for this too start, the sooner the better!
RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!

Me too! This will be fun.
RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!

Well I can't wait to see what the contestants come up with! I've looked at the roster, and it certainly is PokéBeach Forums's finest.