Proposed Forum Restructuring

Bippa201 said:
Hmm, I think this could work. But weren't the Clans and Clubs going to be deleted?

I updated the announcement....we've thought about it and changed our plans a little'll see soon enough =)

-Black Rayquaza
I like how it looks, but are you sure labeling the Trade Corner with BUY AND SELL is going to be a good idea? I mean, I like how it explains what all you can do, but it may make new members think that they can Buy/Sell ASAP. Maybe just in the description say "Check the Selling requirements here" And then link "here" to the Rules.
B-Ray said:
Gliscor - As far as the Competition sub-forum, that was discussed as well in the earlier stages of discussion. The problem with that is there really isn't enough solid competitions to have it's own sub forum, and even so that would take away from the Fan Art & Critique forum...from what I was told, if the number of good, active competitions increase then that would be an option. I don't know if I would go as far as to say Spoiler Competitions should even go in fan creations...if anywhere, I would throw it into the forum you made in the TCG section (Name it something like Fake Decklists and Spoilers or something) as there really isn't anything the fan is creating but an idea and some text (sorry if that sounds harsh in any way, but that's really what it is)

-Black Rayquaza
What about the art competitions, such as AotW and others such as the Spriting Competition?
grasspokemonmaster said:
Does that mean non-mods can post there? If so, props to WPM.

Uhhh... what? Non mods can already post there. If you're talking about making new threads, then no. It remains the only uncluttered forum on the entire site for that reason. >_>
42 chocolate said:
What about the art competitions, such as AotW and others such as the Spriting Competition?

Because that's a place for people to create and view art....the competitors are creating art, so its just an indirect method rather than you just making and posting art.

-Black Rayquaza
@B-Ray: I understand what you mean. Most compititions I've seen in the Fan Creations aren't finished and die out.

grasspokemonmaster said:
Does that mean non-mods can post there? If so, props to WPM.

I don't know if you can post there or not, but I doubt it. If you can, there will probably be a rule about posting a thread in there.
The proposed restructure makes the forum hopefully run smoother. It bunches the appropriate forum sections to the appropriate forum section.
Noobnerd said:
Off-Topic Discussion? I'd rather retain the current name. Talking about non-Pokemon topics isn't "off-topic" IMO.


Also, regarding Bacon's idea, it really doesn't matter to me. Smogon mixes both, albeit the amount of crappy threads are limited (and most of the time locked), but I guess it could help. The only concern is the amount of threads that would actually be posted there and replied to. I mean the Team PokeBeach thing didn't really go as planned, but I guess you could blame the lack of interest from the moderators.
I like everything accept for the fake cards, which I think should just be included in someones art gallery. Somethign I just now thought of is maybe we should have a thread explaining many different types of threads someone might want to make, and where to put them. I know that most people with common sense know where to put threads, but apparently quite a few members lack this ability. I know we practically spoonfeed new members, but it will save the mods a lot of work if even 50% of these misplaces are reduced.
If this happens, all threads will remain, there will just be a bit of moving done.
It looks like this update was well-thought out, this should be a nice update. The only thing I disagree on is Game Corner/Clans and Clubs, but I don't really have a legitimate reason other than that it looks better to me.
Did I just miss it or is there no Canalave Library or other video game article forum, that should really remain.
It might be named something else but everything will be there still. When the changes take effect will the ones we are asking about remain or will they be gone?:)
I'm just messing around with stuff... keep providing feedback. Remember, this is your guys' forum too. Also remember that the creation of a forum has to be justified. We can't make whole forums for minor things or they will be dead in time. I'm also trying to avoid making subforums since they don't get enough attention. Also provide feedback on the names of forums. We want new people to be able to understand what a forum is all about just by glancing at its title (the only exception is Celadon Mart... kind of hard to come up with a name for that so far). ////
Front Page News
Website Feedback
Introduce Yourself!

Pokemon Trading Card Game ///
General Discussion
Trade, Sell, & Buy
Fix My Deck!
Strategies & Combos [Competitive Discussion? - if so, move under General Discussion? IDK. Maybe keep the same name.]
Card of the Day
Premiere Articles [until the website is put together - I would imagine we have a subforum where everyone can post their articles, then mods or whomever will move them out and put them into the main part of the forum if they are good. We can also link to them on the front page somehow.]
^ With the above three forums, I feel like we are splitting "strategy" discussion into three places. Maybe we should have a CoTD sub-forum archive in "Premiere Articles," and the latest 5 or so are stickied in the main part of that forum? I don't know. Then what would we call it?
Ruling & Card Questions
Online & Offline Play

Pokemon Games ///
4th Gen Casual (General?) Discussion (for DPPtHGSS, PBR, Ranch, etc. - people should put the game in the thread title)
4th Gen Competitive Discussion
Premiere Articles
Trade Station
Battle Stadium
Rate My Team!
Old Generations Discussion (better name suggestions? - I'm sick of "discussion")

Pokemon World ///
Episodes, Movies, & Manga
General Pokemon Discussion

Fan Creations ///
Fan Art & Critique
Writing Corner
Fake Cards
Celadon Mart

Community Gathering ///
Gathering of the Miscellanea
Entertainment & Video Games
Clans & Clubs
Game Corner

Going from 23 forums to... 28. Not too bad. The less the better, or otherwise the forum looks junky.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Premiere Articles [until the website is put together - I would imagine we have a subforum where everyone can post their articles, then mods or whomever will move them out and put them into the main part of the forum if they are good. We can also link to them on the front page somehow.]
^ With the above three forums, I feel like we are splitting "strategy" discussion into three places. Maybe we should have a CoTD sub-forum archive in "Premiere Articles," and the latest 5 or so are stickied in the main part of that forum? I don't know. Then what would we call it?

Although someone is going to flame me for saying this... come on. Articles on front page>_<

For the list, I'm not changing a thing. Looks very good.
I agree with the overuse of the word "discussion", possible alternatives:

TCG General Discussion -> Keep the same
4th Gen Casual Discussion -> Keep the same
4th Gen Competitive Discussion -> 4th Gen Competitive Play
Old Generations Discussion -> Past Pokemon Games
General Pokemon Discussion -> General Pokemon Talk

I still don't like how often "Gen" appears (both as an abbreviation of "Generation" and as the beginning of the word "General"), that's something to work on.