PS3 or 360?

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So I heard you like muDkiPz!
Right now I actually have just enough to afford either of the consoles but not both. I really want one so which one is better?

P.S I have a wii so don't bring it into this.
360 has better controller, better exclusive games, and better price tag. Easy win for 360.
The PS3 hands down if you already have a Nintendo Wii, The Xbox360 has that red ring of death, while the PS3 does not. The Sony Play Station 3 is also blue-ray. There are plenty of exclusive games like the Xbox360, but at least it won't take four discs of something to play an entire game like Final Fantasy of something.
PS3 for it has a better drive for fighting games, and a better D-Pad. Now that I have a arcade stick now I just use it for the better drive.
Yakkov said:
The PS3 hands down if you already have a Nintendo Wii, The Xbox360 has that red ring of death, while the PS3 does not. The Sony Play Station 3 is also blue-ray. There are plenty of exclusive games like the Xbox360, but at least it won't take four discs of something to play an entire game like Final Fantasy of something.
^Microsoft extended the warenty so RROD won't do much to you.
Well, I'd say it really depends on what console-exclusive games you want, since a lot of games are released for both nowadays. My friend has a 360 and my sister has a PS3, so I've seen both sides, and I think that the PS3 is the superior console. However, I've been raised on the PlayStation brand so I'm incredibly biased.

z-man said:
360 has better controller, better exclusive games, and better price tag. Easy win for 360.

I'll give it the price tag, but there are a lot of people that can attest to the PlayStation controller's superior D-pad. It also seems to fit more comfortably in my hands that Microsoft's controller. Also, the online service is FREE.
Okay well I kinda spent my Christmas money on sweets and games..... its a long story. But I'm officaly saving up for a PS3:D I got nothing against xbox I just prefair PS because:
- Don't have to pay for internet
- Ratchet and clank games and littlebig planet
- PS3/PSP conectivity

But I do like xbox, the only game I'm unhappy about not being on PS is GOW2 (Halos on PC too).
But people feel free to make me rethink my opinion...
z-man said:
360 has better controller, better exclusive games, and better price tag. Easy win for 360.

No way the 360 has better control the PS3 is much better because all of the same video games the PS3 has much better control then the 360.
The PS3 has no, if not, very little, exclusive titles. If you can get a game on the PS3, you can more than likely get it on the 360 as well.

The 360 is a lot cheaper. I mean, a heck of a lot cheaper.

Also - the 360 has awesome exclusives like Fable 2. So. Not only is the 360 cheaper. But it's got the same games, plus a whole lot more, than the PS3.
I Like PS3, it has blue ray system built in. I like the feeling of the controller more too.
360 - If you encounter the RROD twice, you'll have 10% percent fix chance...
In Malaysia, people are duking it out with the $ony systems. But the main advantage for the 360 in M'sia is it can play the fake (pirated) games...

PS3 - NO RROD, hands down. Free multiplayer connectivity. SIXAXIS. More players around, Remote Play with the PSP... RESISTANCE FTW!!!!1!1!! Cheapest Blu-ray player in the market...Hi Def graphics... Little Big Planet duking the market... PlayStation Store, PS Home... XMB as the menu...
The only drawback is it can't play pirated games...
If you asked me, I would buy a PS3 just for FFversus13 ><.However if you're looking for instant entertainment go for 360. It isn't time for PS3 to bloom just yet.
The PS3 will be around long after Microsoft makes their next console. Sony designed the PS3 to last for a ten year lifespan, so we have yet to see all of it's features fully utilized.
do your friends have either?

which one has more games you like?
XxNinjaSworDDxX said:
I think you should get a 360 there are more games

the ps3 can get the yellow wing of death

Xbox360 can get the red ring of death. So what is your point. The red ring of death (RROD) happens more on the XBOX360, then the yellow ring of death (YROD) on the PS3. So what if the XBOX360 has more games. It can't handle what the PS3 can.

Is the Wi-Fi for the XBOX360 free? No, its not. You have to pay a fee. Sony has a policy with every device they build. They always build it with a failure rate that is LOWER than the industry standard. Industry standard failure rate is 5%. Sony was able to get away with below 1%.

What even beats the XBOX360 is the PS3 has an already ready to go hard drive. You would have to pay more money out of your wallet to even get that. The PS3 has blue-ray, and the XBOX360 does not. The PS3 is so much of a superior system to the XBOX360, it makes it look like a system from 64 bit age of video game systems. This applies to the older models of the XBOX360.

The Pro model of the XBOX360 is like $349 and the Elite is $449. The Pro comes with a 60gig hard drive (used to be 20gig) and the Elite comes with a 120gig hard drive. But the PS3 is still less expensive.

1- PS3 80GB
2 - Xbox 360 Arcade

Out of the box console:
1 - $399
2 - $199

1 - YES
2 - $100 add-on

Hard Drive:
1 - YES (80 GB)
2 - $100-$150 add-on (60GB-120GB)

Online Gaming Service:
1 - FREE
2 - $50 per person/per year

Blu-ray gaming/movies:
1 - YES
2 - Not Available

HDMI Output:
1 - YES
2 - Not available in earlier models

Total :
1 - $399
2 - $449-$499
XxNinjaSworDDxX said:
I think you should get a 360 there are more games

the ps3 can get the yellow wing of death

I do believe it's called the Yellow Light of Death. It occurs when the hard drive becomes loose and is usually an easy thing to fix. Also, almost all of the games you can get for 360 are also on PS3. Besides, the person who started this thread already said he was saving for a PS3, so your point is moot.
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