PS3 or 360?

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360 is so much better manly because of all the exclusives it has and how superior its online game play is.Now don't get me wrong the ps3 is great but I don't see myself getting one till maybe kingdomhearts3 comes out since verses looks like a backstreet boys music video and 13 is on the 360. Also halo is way better than any fps on the ps3.
Frylock said:
360 is so much better manly because of all the exclusives it has and how superior its online game play is.Now don't get me wrong the ps3 is great but I don't see myself getting one till maybe kingdomhearts3 comes out since verses looks like a backstreet boys music video and 13 is on the 360. Also halo is way better than any fps on the ps3.

Oh yeah, btw, Resistance 1 & 2 is like Halo for the PLAYSTATON 3...

And IIRC a magazine stated that Resistance is way more better than Halo...
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