PS3 or 360?

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Who cares if the X360 has more games there bad anyway PS3 is much better as i have one :)
Personally, I'd have to give my support to the 360. Yes, the PS3 can function as a blu-ray player, but it certainly is not the cheapest blu-ray player on the market. Also, at this point in time, any game out on both the 360 and PS3 has performed equally graphics wise, and if there is a difference, it is insignificant. The argument that the use of blu-ray discs is better than DVDs is ridiculous as well - how much trouble is it really to switch from Disc 1 to Disc 2? 30 seconds worth?
The 360 is much cheaper out of the gate and has a wide selection of games available. The 360 is also backwards compatible, so (if you didn't have an Xbox) you can enjoy any original Xbox games you might have missed. With the PS3, you must keep your PS2 unless you shell out 600 dollars for a backwards compatible model.
As for online play, Xbox Live (while you do have to pay for it) is completely run through Microsoft's own servers and, since customers do pay for it, there is much more motivation to keep it functional. Not to mention the significantly improved download speeds that come with Xbox Live. While PSN IS free, as they say, you get what you pay for (which, being about 80 dollars a year, is really only 7 dollars a month). Does that justify giving up the extra cash for a PS3?

On a side note: Sony's customer support is terrible. I had a problem with them myself in the past when we tried to get a replacement for a friend's PSP. I also dealt with Microsoft support when my 360 red-ringed. Sony does not track their systems and, since we did not have a store receipt, they refused to honor the 1 year warranty that this PSP was still under. (If you do buy a PS3, be sure to keep the receipt until the manufacturer's warranty expires!) They told us that we had to pay 80 dollars to fix a system that should have been covered by the warranty. Microsoft on the other hand looked up my system tracking number immediately, and sent me a brand new 360 and a Live subscription for my trouble. With no receipt.

All right. I'm finished. :)
Kaiera said:
Personally, I'd have to give my support to the 360. Yes, the PS3 can function as a blu-ray player, but it certainly is not the cheapest blu-ray player on the market. Also, at this point in time, any game out on both the 360 and PS3 has performed equally graphics wise, and if there is a difference, it is insignificant. The argument that the use of blu-ray discs is better than DVDs is ridiculous as well - how much trouble is it really to switch from Disc 1 to Disc 2? 30 seconds worth?
The 360 is much cheaper out of the gate and has a wide selection of games available. The 360 is also backwards compatible, so (if you didn't have an Xbox) you can enjoy any original Xbox games you might have missed. With the PS3, you must keep your PS2 unless you shell out 600 dollars for a backwards compatible model.
As for online play, Xbox Live (while you do have to pay for it) is completely run through Microsoft's own servers and, since customers do pay for it, there is much more motivation to keep it functional. Not to mention the significantly improved download speeds that come with Xbox Live. While PSN IS free, as they say, you get what you pay for (which, being about 80 dollars a year, is really only 7 dollars a month). Does that justify giving up the extra cash for a PS3?

On a side note: Sony's customer support is terrible. I had a problem with them myself in the past when we tried to get a replacement for a friend's PSP. I also dealt with Microsoft support when my 360 red-ringed. Sony does not track their systems and, since we did not have a store receipt, they refused to honor the 1 year warranty that this PSP was still under. (If you do buy a PS3, be sure to keep the receipt until the manufacturer's warranty expires!) They told us that we had to pay 80 dollars to fix a system that should have been covered by the warranty. Microsoft on the other hand looked up my system tracking number immediately, and sent me a brand new 360 and a Live subscription for my trouble. With no receipt.

All right. I'm finished. :)

right,This is exactly what I always thought between these consoles.In my opinion the wii is the best one.But between these both it is obvious the Xbox360
Yakkov said:
XxNinjaSworDDxX said:
I think you should get a 360 there are more games

the ps3 can get the yellow wing of death

Xbox360 can get the red ring of death. So what is your point. The red ring of death (RROD) happens more on the XBOX360, then the yellow ring of death (YROD) on the PS3. So what if the XBOX360 has more games. It can't handle what the PS3 can.

Is the Wi-Fi for the XBOX360 free? No, its not. You have to pay a fee. Sony has a policy with every device they build. They always build it with a failure rate that is LOWER than the industry standard. Industry standard failure rate is 5%. Sony was able to get away with below 1%.

What even beats the XBOX360 is the PS3 has an already ready to go hard drive. You would have to pay more money out of your wallet to even get that. The PS3 has blue-ray, and the XBOX360 does not. The PS3 is so much of a superior system to the XBOX360, it makes it look like a system from 64 bit age of video game systems. This applies to the older models of the XBOX360.

The Pro model of the XBOX360 is like $349 and the Elite is $449. The Pro comes with a 60gig hard drive (used to be 20gig) and the Elite comes with a 120gig hard drive. But the PS3 is still less expensive.

1- PS3 80GB
2 - Xbox 360 Arcade

Out of the box console:
1 - $399
2 - $199

1 - YES
2 - $100 add-on

Hard Drive:
1 - YES (80 GB)
2 - $100-$150 add-on (60GB-120GB)

Online Gaming Service:
1 - FREE
2 - $50 per person/per year

Blu-ray gaming/movies:
1 - YES
2 - Not Available

HDMI Output:
1 - YES
2 - Not available in earlier models

Total :
1 - $399
2 - $449-$499

the thing that is good about the xbox 360 is that you can play the old xbox game unlike the new 80 and 160 GB ps3 that can only play the ps3 and the ps1 games

DeathSharingan said:
360 - If you encounter the RROD twice, you'll have 10% percent fix chance...
In Malaysia, people are duking it out with the $ony systems. But the main advantage for the 360 in M'sia is it can play the fake (pirated) games...

PS3 - NO RROD, hands down. Free multiplayer connectivity. SIXAXIS. More players around, Remote Play with the PSP... RESISTANCE FTW!1!1!! Cheapest Blu-ray player in the market...Hi Def graphics... Little Big Planet duking the market... PlayStation Store, PS Home... XMB as the menu...
The only drawback is it can't play pirated games...
the xbox 360 has the XBOX Live Marketplace, the PS3 only get Hi Def Graphics if you have a HD T.V., the xbox 360 doesn't need a HD T.V. Also we have more exclusive games then the PS3. People that makes games for the PS3 also make the same game for the XBOX too you know. Oh yeah the red ring of death is on the PS3 as the "Yellow line of doom". We can play original xbox games while Sony doesn't let you play PS2 games on the PS3 so they are ripping you off for your money. They want you to buy everything they have thats why Sony also makes HD T.Vs.

Pokémon TCG said:
Who cares if the X360 has more games there bad anyway PS3 is much better as I have one :)

If the exclusives on the Xbox 360 are bad then how come there are a lot of people getting the XBOX 360
ummm well I'm sorry to say xbox suporters, but well i got a PS3 yesterday.... sorry again 360ers but it still is a good console.
Gamefreak734 said:
ummm well I'm sorry to say xbox suporters, but well I got a PS3 yesterday.... sorry again 360ers but it still is a good console.

Well, I hope you're happy with it :) It doesn't matter which console you get, as long as you have fun.

Be sure to keep the receipt! Sony tech support is rather uncool otherwise, haha.
YAY another person with a PS3! :) i think the nintendo wii isn't even a gaming console i thik it sucks!
How about both. You buy the PS3, you earn credit with microsoft for a 360.
The Nintendo Wii is designed to be a family system. Hence all the party games. The graphics are no where near the level of the PS3, and the XBOX360. But the Wii has its advances, as well as disadvantages.
The Wii has out sold the other 2 combined. But Gamefreak734 stated they already have a Wii.
RROD is extremely unlikely...I've had my 360 for 2+ years now and no signs of it dying. It's not like PS3 is indestructible. I have both systems and I'll always side for 360. PS3 has had a good year, but 360's was better. Blu-ray is absolutely irrelevant for games except for exclusives, because ALL cross-platform games are lead on 360. Pretty much no games use up the whole BD except Metal Gear Solid 4 (a big reason why it isn't coming to 360 is because it would require 5-7 discs!) Also, the interface as well as online is much MUCH better on 360. I get my 13 months of LIVE on ebay for less than 40 sooo that's about 2-3 dollars per month which is pretty manageable. PS3 defenitely has more potential, but it'll never be realized except for exclusive games which sadly there aren't THAT many. The reason being that developers don't find it profitable (and rightly so) to develop those amazing looking games on PS3 that would take up like 10 discs on 360. The gap is closing, but 360 will remain the winner. Any game that's cross-platform that has online play (Grand Theft Auto IV, Call of Duty IV) you're going to want to get on 360 simply because more people play it on that system and how fun a multiplayer game is pretty much depends how often and with how many people does each match consist of. The XBL Arcade is also superior to the PSN because of some key exclusives like Castle Crashers. Again, both systems are worth owning, but if you had to choose then I fully recommend Xbox 360.
Well, Xbox Live has been around since the first Xbox, so Microsoft was already in good shape for the next generation in terms of online play. Sony had a weak implementation of online services on the PS2, so the Playstation Network was created so they could better compete with Xbox. I think both consoles are great machines, it's just Sony has made too many mistakes with the PS3, one major issue being the complete omission of PS2 backward compatibility as well as the still high price tag. A lot of people were counting on their PS3s being able to play all games that they had from the previous generations, and the 60GB was the only model besides the lowly 20GB to be able to truly do just that. If they had kept the Emotion Engine in all of the following SKUs and dropped the price to about $300-$350, I think the PS3 would be doing much better now.
NyJonesy26 said:
Well, Xbox Live has been around since the first Xbox, so Microsoft was already in good shape for the next generation in terms of online play. Sony had a weak implementation of online services on the PS2, so the Playstation Network was created so they could better compete with Xbox. I think both consoles are great machines, it's just Sony has made too many mistakes with the PS3, one major issue being the complete omission of PS2 backward compatibility as well as the still high price tag. A lot of people were counting on their PS3s being able to play all games that they had from the previous generations, and the 60GB was the only model besides the lowly 20GB to be able to truly do just that. If they had kept the Emotion Engine in all of the following SKUs and dropped the price to about $300-$350, I think the PS3 would be doing much better now.

So, 360 has better online because Microsoft is more experienced? Ok...yes I agree with this...where's the argument? Am I supposed to feel sad that Sony, a multimillion company, doesn't know how to correctly develop an online interface (or at least not develop it as well as Microsoft can)?

Dropping the PS2 was a good move on their part. Almost everybody has a PS2 and it did decrease production costs. PS3's biggest issue (just like PSP's) is its lack of games (its own exclusives as well as it never going to have 360's exclusives)
I was merely trying to explain (apparently incorrectly) why the PS3 is in the position it's in right now; I wasn't trying to argue with anyone.
Both of them are pretty good consoles. But, I think I'd go with the PS3 if I were you. I own one mainly because I'm a fighting game fan and the controller feels much better for those games. LittleBigPlanet, Valkyria Chronicles, Blu Ray, and free online (I really wouldn't like to pay for Live on top of my WoW Subscription every month) are all also major pluses for me.

The 360 has many appealing points for me as well though. Blue Dragon, Tails of Vesperia, Guilty Gear 2 and Last Remnant are all games I would love to play on the 360 and I also enjoy an occasional game of Halo. But in the end, if you can afford the price point (which is rumored to soon be dropping) the PS3 is still the better buy in my opinion.
PS3 takes down Xbox any day, at least in my opinion. But it depends on what games you like, really. PS3 = war, battle, fighting. But then again, there is LittleBigPlanet which is none of those. lol!

So what if the price is a bit much. If you have the money for it, you should have already bought it.

OH! Free internet too...I wouldn't stand paying for it...ugh...
Bubba235 said:
PS3 takes down Xbox any day, at least in my opinion. But it depends on what games you like, really. PS3 = war, battle, fighting. But then again, there is LittleBigPlanet which is none of those. lol!

So what if the price is a bit much. If you have the money for it, you should have already bought it.

OH! Free internet too...I wouldn't stand paying for it...ugh...

the ps3 is more of a fighting game system
the xbox 360 is more war and battle and shooter games
even though you have to pay for online gaming its better than the ps3
Believe me people, i've almost had my PS3 for a week now and I'm loving having it:D Although if I had gotten the 360 I'm sure I would be saying the same thing.

And do you guys think this trade is fair? I recently traded with my friend. The trade was:

My: Motorstorm2 His: Ratchet and clank FTOD

Gamefreak734 said:
Believe me people, I've almost had my PS3 for a week now and I'm loving having it:D Although if I had gotten the 360 I'm sure I would be saying the same thing.

And do you guys think this trade is fair? I recently traded with my friend. The trade was:

My: Motorstorm2 His: Ratchet and clank FTOD


Well if you like the game it is fair :)
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