"Purging Justice"

Hydro Cannon

Just a random dood
Alright, somewhat cool name. But anyway, let me get to the team, and explain whats going on over here! :3

My team is basically trying to accompany all sorts of weather teams, and fit in without feeling totally overrun by a certain strategy. My team is to "mold" with my opponents strategy.


The team and strategy​

First up on the team is Latios!!


Timid Nature
Item - Life Orb

- Dragon Pulse
- Thunder
- Protect
- Psychic

EV's: 252 SpAtt/252 Spd/4 HP​

So, strategy with Latios: HIT hard and HIT fast. I'll admit, it's super weak to draco meteor, which is one of my biggest problems. But that was before I incorperated Protect into his moveset. Anyway, thunder is great against rain teams, hits really hard, and pretty much for the 100% boost in rain. Dragon Pulse is for other dragon types, and for a strong STAB attack. I also gave latios Psyshock over psychic because of personal preference. Pretty solid guy.

Next up we got Rotom!


Rotom (W)
Modest Nature
Item - Choice Specs

- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power (ICE)
- Pain Split

EV's: 252 Sp.Att/ 252 Spd/ 4 SpDef​

So, strategy with Rotom: Great support with Latios, I think. I usually lead with Rotom and use volt switch to scout around, if necessary. HP is great for surprises against Dragonite and Salamence, and other dragons. Hydro Pump is just amazing. STAB, in rain, is just overkill and really hurts all who don't resist it. Volt switch is mainly for water types or for getting an early start against bronzong or another strong defensive pokemon. Problem? Giga Drain, Wood Hammer, Energy Ball, etc. Breloom just stops me short, Ludicolo laughs while he drains my health, and all this. To help with HP being lowered, pain split will be for newcomers, and stallers to help drain free health!

Next up, we got Scizor!


Brave Nature
Item - Choice Band

- U-turn
- Bullet Punch
- Aerial Ace
- Brick Break

EV's: 252 Att/ 126 Def/ 126​

So, strategy with Scizor: GREAT pairing with Latios and Rotom. Predicting dragon, dark, bug, and grass? Scizor resists it all, with pretty decent defensive stats, he is definately something to look out for. U-turn is great for poking holes in opponents, laughing at ludicolo, and other grass/psychic/dark types. Bullet Punch, with technician, just cleans the field of stragglers. Aerial Ace is great for venasaur and other random grass/bug/fighting typings, plus technician boost AND 100% accuracy is something that will always help. Plus gets technician boost. Brick Break is to stop light screen and reflects from keeping me slamming the opponent. Problems arise with fire types that are faster than me, like arcanine and chandelure. They just put scizor down with any fire attack, so it can be risky, but definately worth it.

Next up, we got Zoroark:


Mild Nature
Item - Focus Sash

- Focus Blast
- Flamethrower
- Taunt
- Night Daze

EV's: 252 Sp.Att/ 252 Spd/ 4HP​

Strategy with Zoroark: Man, this guy can SCREW with people and for good reasons. Think I'm always gonna lead with Latios? Yes. Always actually Latios? Nope. Just a Zoroark waiting to make you rage. Yes, Latios is a great cover for Zoroark and his wicked speed. Flamethrower is great against Ferrothorn, and other steel types trying to get away. Focus Blast just WRECKS steel/ice/dark typed. Hydreigon, no longer a problem. Taunt stops trick rooms and bronzong and others from defensively trying to wreck me. Weak defense, but definately will smash hard. Problem is when opponents learn its zoroark, mach punch wrecks it, rock slide doesn't help, and fast attacks makes sure its gets one hit.

Next up, we got Terrakion!


Docile nature (I know, I know)
Item - Fighting Gem / Lum Berry

- Stone Edge
- Swords Dance
- Sacred Sword
- Substitute

EV's: 252 Att/ 252 Spd. 4HP​

Strategy with this guy: okay, so even with neutral nature, he sure can pack a punch. At 181 Att, 150 Spd, this guy can wreck shop. After a Swords dance boost, sacred sword will OHKO a lot of things that don't resist it. Stone Edge is to prevent locking from a ghost, and also gets STAB. Also keeps reflect and iron defense from ruining my attacks. Substitute is to stall against water / grass / psychic types in which I can safely switch to Scizor! DEFINATELY like this guy over hitmontop.

Next up we have Porygon - Z


Porygon - Z
Modest Nature
Item - Expert Belt

- Tri Attack
- Recover
- Dark Pulse
- Ice Beam

EV's: 252 Sp.Att/ 252 Spd/ 4 HP​

Strategy with Mr. Z: Alright, plain and simple. Slam opponent with strong attacks. Tri attacks is really nice because it has a high chance of burning, freezing, or paralysing, and ruins the opponents day when it works. STAB also gives it a nice added bonus, and allows an easy 2HKO for those who don't resist it. Ice beam is to take out garchomp, Gliscor, and all those other pesky ground/flying types. Dark Pulse is nice against Psychic/Ghost opponents, because ghost attacks don't affect me. Oh, and Porygon uses the Download ability. Sp.Att boost is very nice and much required to work efficiently. Nice, but not always reliable. Recover is to obviously regain any lost health over the process to allow more time.

Threat List

Haven't been doing too much with the team, but here goes with logical reasoning:
Thundurus - Cripples with Thunder Wave. My team could use the speed. HP ice, and porygon Z will hurt it.
Ninetails - Drought + Flamethrower and such will hurt. Alot. Covered by Hydro Pump
Kingdra - Drizzle + SwiftSwim + Draco Meteor. Just wrong how good it is. Cancelling weather will help me
Heatran - Strong fire/steel type, as I lack some ground help. Zoroark, and Scizor scare it.
Breloom - Not too bad, but I play wrong... It can be very bad. Latios helps alot
Froslass - Keeps latios and most others of my guys back, but weak to bullet punch.

I'm sure I have alot of threats, but its a work in progress

Other alternatives I have for my team is Metagross, Toxicroak, TTar, and Bronzong. But I wanna here from you guys! What do you guys think of my team? Any comments/suggestions? :D
Yeah sorry, I don't know A) how to post em, or B) where to pull good pictures from. I'm sorry, if someone tells me, I'll get them added! ^^
Hydro Cannon said:
Yeah sorry, I don't know A) how to post em, or B) where to pull good pictures from. I'm sorry, if someone tells me, I'll get them added! ^^

I can do it for you? If you'd like. :)
Please, by all means, go ahead! Oh, and if you want to make it look exactly like mine, shiny Latios, shiny Rotom, and shiny porygon-Z, please! I appreciate the help, thank you!
you have to put
[img]picture url here[/img]

Also, I recommend Sucker Punch over Bullet Punch on Hitmontop, since it hits Ghost SE. Also, why dou you have such a wierd EV spread on it? Wouldn't Adamant with 252hp/atk be better?

Also, this looks like a VGC team, are you sure this is OU?

I recommend Trick Room on P-Z since you have a lot of brave pokemon if it is VGC.
Hydro Cannon said:
Next up we have Porygon - Z

[align=center]Porygon - Z
Modest Nature
Item - Focus Sash/ Expert belt/ Power Herb(Don't have the - fighting berry)

- Tri Attack (Soon to be Hyper Beam)
- Solar Beam
- Dark Pulse
- Ice Beam

You're better off with Tri Attack, also you would be better off adding Leftovers as well as perhaps an offensive moveset of Recover / Ice Beam / Thunderbolt / Tri Attack
@Cooltrainer Alan: yes, I do realize that. But just switched hitmontop out! :)

It might be VGC, not sure, so just rated OU.

@Equinox: true, very true. Not sure if gonna get rid of solarbeam so I can have leverage against water/grounds, but rather the thunderbolt that most of my guys have. :p recover is definately worth considering as well.

@Bippa: I'll take it into consideration thanks! :)
Hydro Cannon said:
@Cooltrainer Alan: yes, I do realize that. But just switched hitmontop out! :)

It might be VGC, not sure, so just rated OU.

@Equinox: true, very true. Not sure if gonna get rid of solarbeam so I can have leverage against water/grounds, but rather the thunderbolt that most of my guys have. :p recover is definately worth considering as well.

@Bippa: I'll take it into consideration thanks! :)

What you're better off doing is getting rid of Solar Beam, it's useless on Prygon-Z, especially if you aren't running sun. Why? You're giving your foe a free turn to set up, and by the next they could easily send in a counter or KO you.
Equinox said:
Hydro Cannon said:
@Cooltrainer Alan: yes, I do realize that. But just switched hitmontop out! :)

It might be VGC, not sure, so just rated OU.

@Equinox: true, very true. Not sure if gonna get rid of solarbeam so I can have leverage against water/grounds, but rather the thunderbolt that most of my guys have. :p recover is definately worth considering as well.

@Bippa: I'll take it into consideration thanks! :)

What you're better off doing is getting rid of Solar Beam, it's useless on Prygon-Z, especially if you aren't running sun. Why? You're giving your foe a free turn to set up, and by the next they could easily send in a counter or KO you.

True, unless he has the power herb. which gives a free strike on the opponent. Now I realize thats not the typical moveset you want, but ground/water types can be a problem, and I'm not sure what else to do...
Hydro Cannon said:
Equinox said:
What you're better off doing is getting rid of Solar Beam, it's useless on Prygon-Z, especially if you aren't running sun. Why? You're giving your foe a free turn to set up, and by the next they could easily send in a counter or KO you.

True, unless he has the power herb. which gives a free strike on the opponent. Now I realize thats not the typical moveset you want, but ground/water types can be a problem, and I'm not sure what else to do...

It's not the typical moveset "I want," it's what works. Sure you can have your Power Herb, but most Water-types you face are bulky and will more than likely be able to take the hit. Not only that, you already hit Water-types with Thunderbolt, as well as hit Tornadus-T, Keldeo, which will either Sub on your Solarbeam or CM and be able to take the hit, Dragonite, Gyarados, Jellicent (which can also easily take your Solar Beam), Skarmory, Salamence, Tentacruel (just like Jellicent) and Vaporeon (see: Jellicent). Besides, even if you get a Solar Beam off, Solar Beam just becomes dead weight and thus useless.
True, true. I think I'll change that into something more plausible. Suggestions for a movelist? :) Appreciate the help so far!
Hydro Cannon said:
True, true. I think I'll change that into something more plausible. Suggestions for a movelist? :) Appreciate the help so far!

Recover / Thunderbolt / Tri Attack / Ice Beam lol.

Also on Terrakion if you're going to run Swords Dance you're better off with:

Leftovers/Life Orb
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
~ Substitute
~ Swords Dance
~ Close Combat
~ Stone Edge
I'd run recover, but Porygon isn't exactly the fastest of the bunch. In fact, he'd probably go 3rd in a battle, but I'll run that for some battles and see how it goes, thanks! :)

Good point on Terrakion... I'll give that a try as well W/leftovers! :D
Hydro Cannon said:
I'd run recover, but Porygon isn't exactly the fastest of the bunch. In fact, he'd probably go 3rd in a battle, but I'll run that for some battles and see how it goes, thanks! :)

It doesn't matter how fast a Pokemon is, having a recovery move (if the Pokemon has it) is always a priority if you need a moveset for it.
Yeah I do, trust me. I mean, if the opponent were someone with access to any speed priority moves, I'm in trouble. They could clean me off, but I guess they could do that regardless. Nevertheless, like I said, I am going to test it and see how it runs! :D
Recovery is a definite must, priority doesn't matter if you plan on this being a competitive team.
I might just need to replace Porygon - Z altogether for a Reuniclus, or Bronzong, or something a little better. :p