Wi-Fi Trades Quentin's Trade and Egg Move Galleria!

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Nomadic Kitten
Please Read: For more egg move breeding visit The Lime Raven's Breeding Centre. I am partnered with this thread.

Hii~ Welcome to my revamped thread. The old one was an eyesore to me so I simplified everything to make it easier to understand. I'm currently taking a break from art requests on my other thread but focusing on just egg move breeding and trading random things that I have.

Player Info:
Game: Pokemon White
In-Game Name: Quentin
FC: 0303 9146 4320
Contact Time: I check messages and posts constantly, so it's not too difficult to get a hold of me.

Rules for Trade:

  • 1. Pokebeach Rules apply.
    2. I prefer post to PM for offers. However, if we're in the trading process at the moment, leave that in PMs.
    3. Be patient and kind with me please, as I am fairly new to trading. ^^
    4. I cannot do any other service besides egg move breeding for now.
    5. If I do not want to trade with you, do not bug me about it.
    6. I do not always trade shiny for shiny, DW for DW, or normal for normal. We can negotiate anything.
    7. Lucky number! On some special occasions when I feel mischievous and happy, I will be holding a shiny giveaway contest.

Shiny Giveaway Contest!

None at the moment. Stay tuned for a contest.

Egg Move Breeding
I'll breed for egg moves now. Tell me what you'd like with the form-ish thing below and I'll try to get it for you if the chain is possible.

If you would like a specific gender please specify. I may be able to breed for natures as well, but not IVs or shinies.

Move 1:
Move 2:
Move 3:
Move 4:


Quick Symbol:
For future reference.

  • [T] Touched
    [PKRS] carrying Pokerus
All Pokemon are UT unless marked with [T].


Random Unova Pokemon
Ho-Oh [T by a few EXP points]
WIN2011 Celebi [T by a few EXP points]

Egg Move Pokemon



  • Dark Pulse
  • Counter
  • Extrasensory
  • Calm Mind


  • Helping Hand
  • Wish
  • Tickle
  • Yawn


  • Wish
  • Tickle
  • Fake Tears
  • Zen Headbutt


  • Sky Uppercut
  • Blaze Kick
  • Cross Chop
  • Swords Dance


  • Iron Tail
  • Glare
  • Mirror Coat
  • Aerial Ace


  • Ponyta
    Stantler [PKRS]
    Female Stantler - (on hold for breeding)
    Female Lickitung
    Female Poochyena
    Female Lotad
    Female Igglybuff


Female Absol
Lopunny [T] (may not trade, offer well)
Scolipede [T]
WIN2011 Shiny Suicune


Legendary Pokemon
DW Females
Shiny Pokemon
Male Egg Move Pokemon

Looking for
RE: Quentin's Trade Thread! (b&w only)

Darkvoid57 said:
Do you have a Foreign Ditto?
Yes, I happen to have a Japanese Ditto but I'm using it for the Masuda Method so I can get the wanted shinies listed above.

Sorry. ):
RE: Quentin's Trade Thread! (b&w only)

Hey, I'm interested in these Pokemon:

Dream World Pokemon:

Please take a look at my thread and let me know if there's anything you're interested in. From your wants I have starter Pokemon (Charmander, Snivy and Squirtle) and I also have Bunneary :3
RE: Quentin's Trade Thread! (b&w only)

I can get you nearly all the pokemon you wanted except shiny pokemon without hacking but i dont really like anything you have to offer no offense but is there anything else you can offer? or do you have any shiny pokemon?
RE: Quentin's Trade Thread! (b&w only)

@WinterChevalier: Sorry about that, but the DW Pokemon have been reserved by a previous person. If anything else interests you, let me know. I'll have DW Pokemon up again very soon. Check back in a few days.

@adan15: Ah, no offense taken. The Pokemon above are simply Pokemon I want to be rid of. I'll be posting some of the Pokemon I've trained/touched, but I'll have to put up stats, I suppose. Also, I recently hatched a shiny Drifloon, yes. I'll be putting that up as soon as I can for something better since I definitely won't be using it for much. I also have a shiny Crobat I don't care for. Updating soon.
RE: Quentin's Trade Thread! (b&w only)

Once I'm able to clone, would you like to trade your shiny Drifloon for my shiny Gyarados?
RE: Quentin's Trade Thread! (b&w only)

ilovemypikachu said:
Once I'm able to clone, would you like to trade your shiny Drifloon for my shiny Gyarados?

No thanks, I have one already. Do you have any other shinies? If you do, maybe we can negotiate that.
RE: Quentin's Trade Thread! (b&w only)

@ilovemypikachu I thought you were gonna trade me shiny gyarados for shiny evee when you are able to clone
RE: Quentin's Trade Thread! (b&w only)

o ok sry i thought you meant you were only gonna clone it once when you told me you were gonna clone it
RE: Quentin's Trade Thread! (b&w only)

@GREENMONKEYDUMP Cloning my Japanese Ditto would make me very very happy. I've been trying to figure out how else to clone. I have an AR but I lost the cable that goes with it and idk if it would be considered hacking if I cloned the Shiny Drifloon (probably).

Do you think you could clone that Ditto for me? Perhaps the shiny Drifloon, too? I'd let you keep one of them if you did. ^^

Besides, even if I did know how to clone I'd probably mess up.
RE: Quentin's Trade Thread! (b&w only)

Yes, I know someone that can clone, is it okay if we both keep one or two copies? Well, anyway, he is getting the new ar with the cloning code on it soon. When he gets it, we can trade, then me and him can trade, he clones one for himself, then clones me a few copies along with the other things I need him to clone, then I give you two copies of each back and boom. I get tons of shinies from breeding and everyone's happy! Plus the code will NOT harm your game and it is perfectly fine.

Oh, and for my trade rep, ask OshawottFan. I traded him thirty Oshawotts for a shiny and I took the time to trade every single one. We did this several times.

Hmm... so I'd be receiving two of the Shiny Drifloon and two of the Japanese Ditto. Sounds good to me. [:

Thank you, when can we arrange this?
RE: Quentin's Trade Thread! (b&w only)

As soon as my friend gets the new ar. You can then trade me your pokemon, my friend and I can arrange a trade, he clones, sends me back about five clones of some of my pokemon, (some of these are mine, not just yours) then we schedule another trade and I give you two copies of each. I have always wanted a shiny turtwig, so this will work out well!

Alright! Awesome. Let me know when he gets the new AR.
RE: Quentin's Trade Thread! (b&w)

Bump. (1st)
4/18 to 4/22


Added Dreamworld Sentret and Sunkern to Haves: section.
Added T Pokemon.

Deleted the post after this one. Post was a big accident, sorry to any Mods. -_-;;
RE: Quentin's Trade Thread! (b&w)

Quentin said:
Bump. (1st)
4/18 to 4/22


Added Dreamworld Sentret and Sunkern to Haves: section.
Added T Pokemon.

Deleted the post after this one. Post was a big accident, sorry to any Mods. -_-;;
Y'know, if you would LOG OUT each time you use my computer things like that wouldn't happen, lol.

On topic, I'd update the fact that you have all those female Eevee.
RE: Quentin's Trade Thread! (b&w) More DreamWorld Pokemon Added!

I will give you shiny zangoose for armoldo
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