Quick Competitive Play Questions

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It's a meta-game call. Coming up to US nationals, Yveltal/Garbodor was the most hyped up deck, and many considered it the best deck in the format. Then, when the tournament actually occurred, we saw a vast number of player play Raichu instead to improve their matchup against Garbodor variants. Then, the players that further predicted that prediction took advantage of the weakened Pyroar matchup Raichu provided.

Point is, if you expect a lot of mirror matches, and you don't expect a lot of pyroar/safeguard, go ahead and drop it for some consistency or matchup cards. If you think that there are going to be more ability-based decks than you can afford to lose to, then leave it in. You have to decide for yourself.
What do you face up against. If your metagame is a lot of TDK, Virgen, Pyroar, Miltank and Friends Variants, or Trevenant/Donphan than defientely run Garbdor. If you are facing a lot of Mirror Matchs, Seismitoad decks, and Lucario Decks than you shouldn't really run it, but more decks have abilities than not. Weight out your options.
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