Finished Quote the Funniest Post Made By the One Above

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Zyflair said:
Lou Cypher said:
Flygon Jedi Master said:
We're reading The Outsiders in school.
It is the worst book ever written.
Just like every book we read in school. :mad:

If every book is the worst book ever written, then which is THE worst?
Lol. Paradox. Let's assume that in the world, there is the most uninteresting person in the world. But that makes him interesting. So now he's not uninteresting anymore, meaning some else is. So that new person, now the most uninteresting person in the world, becomes interesting too. Does that make us all interesting? =D

Yes, it does.

We should stop quoting posts from this thread.
Zyflair said:
I care about grammar, sir.

While it is accepable, I've just realized it's still not exactly the correct way (great, even my English teacher is wrong every now and then).
Wrong teachers *Gasps and grabs box labled "Apocalypse survival gear*
PokeMaster619 said:
Yes guys, please give me proof that the refs were on Steelers side. The refs were not with the Steelers, I actually thought the refs were on the Cardinals side.

MUCKSTER: Whoo! Terrible Towel! :D:D:D:D

The Fallen One said:
Agreed. How about you just make all Portuguese traders send first? That might be a little less harsh and accomplish a similar purpose.

How do you understand these things?
I find the quote in your bio quite funny.

Zyflair said:
Sigh... I miss Chocobo Racing... Am I supposed to put something here?

I don't know why, but it just amuses me.
Mr. Meep said:
The scariest Pokémon? That's an easy one.


Look into those unblinking eyes... staring... staring... never blinking... piercing your soul... I have nightmares about it...

The Fallen One said:
That's too dangerous! It might turn out that you're in a horror movie and the insane guy is right behind you!

Being a Captain Falcon fanboy. :D
um, horror movie!
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