Finished Quote the Funniest Post Made By the One Above

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weavile132 said:
Mr. Meep said:
The scariest Pokémon? That's an easy one.


Look into those unblinking eyes... staring... staring... never blinking... piercing your soul... I have nightmares about it...

PokeChamp said:
I have heard of his rumor.
He alone rushed into his enemies, and saved his homeland.
I have heard of his rumor.
He ran across the lands and everything he touched was destroyed.
I have heard of his rumor.
He gave everyone hope, as he gave me.
He gave everyone fear, as he gave me.
He is now next to me.
My allies are with me.
My allies, who were once heroes, and old enemies, are here.
As they fiercely competed and battled, their splendor grew.

OMG, you miscopied it completely! Srsly. Make it right!
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