Finished Rate the Above Person's Signature.

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It's just that I've seen that SO many times that I dislike it. I liked your minecraft one better, just because a lot of people are using gifs doesn't mean you have to. It's your choice. ;D 6/10
ShadowLugia said:
It's just that I've seen that SO many times that I dislike it. I liked your minecraft one better, just because a lot of people are using gifs doesn't mean you have to. It's your choice. ;D 6/10

I'm working on it :p

Thatssssssssss a very nicccccce sig you have there...

It'd be a sssssssssssshame if anything happened to it...


Posting again because I want some love for my new gif. ;) 8/10, SPM3 did some great work.
I'm sorry for being picky with my signature. >.< It's back again. Anyways, 9/10 again. :3
The text is clean, nice colors, and the banner looks great on its own and with the text. Links are fancy.


I will delete this if I don't have a sig, let me post and check. Edit: Ok, I thought so.
I do kinda miss the Afro quote, but I can't help but to give a 10/10 for your sig. Death is rough, especially for youth and their friends. ;_;
Rosalina Teddyursa and someone I don't know who looks like she's from Naruto... :/....... I like it 8/10 ^^ (it looks like a little more effort could be put into it :/)
I don't get it... Link and Pika fighting? It's an OK image I guess.

The links could be organized better, I think, and you missed some capitalization on the first one.

All and all, nice job, but those are the things I saw.

That's a pretty cool pic in the sig and kind of you to remember your friends. I say 8/10.

Don't go to hard on my sig.. I am trying to make a new one (if anyone wants to offer)
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