Finished Rate the Above Person's Signature.

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I've seen that gif a couple of times, although I'm not a big Pony fan. Love the text though. ;D 7/10
I find it strange that no other "Rate my" threads have been created and this is one is doing fine on it's own. Cool. :3
TheDarkLucario said:
Ten out of ten, neat!

Should be the "rate the above avatar and sig"

It's cute how you ninja me and say the same thing.
Saw that gif on pokememes. Is epic. 9/10

safariblade said:
1/10. Stupid Ponies.

Only thing stupid is saying that something is stupid just because you don't like it. That's just...I don't even.
Lol, let's play what percentage of signatures on this site aren't Pony related. That should be a game.

Princess Celestia is pretty boss. 9/10

BTW, mine is a link too, not just awkward text.
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