RE: Ready Aim Fire - Game 2
And suddenly everyone was alive again, and the king of the universe decided to make them his pawns once more.
Glace... actually I'll get to him later
So sillykyle started things off by blasting Bippa in the back of the dome before he could shoot Afro-G. "Wow, thanks," he said to sillykyle as he aimed his gun at safariblade, but safariblade busted out some fake pimp ninjutsu and then Afro-G was Afro-D (for dead). TheGuy was very upset at this because he also wanted to kill Afro-G (I mean -D).
Blui129 shrugged and killed Mokoko, and Nengeni shot him too for good measure.
Spidy didn't like that, so he shot Nengeni to death. The Yoshi didn't like that, so he revenge killed Spidy. Chariblaze cried because he was too slow to the kill.
Pride, ever the pacifist, did nothing except take a bullet from Dark Void. Pride has died.
ComfortEagle blew his own brains out! This caused ShadowLugia to continue doing nothing, and HypnoticLuxray took this opportunity to pistol whip him to death, just to be funny.
MonsterHunter909, Reshiwott, and Zyflair all stood around Glace, who was muttering to himself. Glace could just feel their guns trained on him. He sweated a little.
"Okay, those guys are obviously here to kill me, but what they don't know is that they're all about to get smoked! Bahahahahaha DIE SCUM" and Glace turned around and fired a bullet.
Into his head.
While the others stood on and watched.
"What was that all about?" Reshiwott inquired.
Zyflair shrugged. "Here, have some pixiv art~"
MonsterHunter909 screamed.
ROUND 1 SURVIVORS: sillykyle, safariblade, The Yoshi, Chariblaze, Blui129, TheGuy, Zyflair, Dark Void, HypnoticLuxray, MonsterHunter909, Reshiwott, still not Glace
You all have earned a point. Round two go
The Yoshi
Dark Void