RE: Ready Aim Fire - Game 2, Round 2
safariblade attacked with a pineapple, but sillykyle blocked with Mango Mangle and safariblade was defeated.
The Yoshi bungee jumped but forgot the cord. Oops.
Chariblaze snuck up behind Dark Void and pushed him into the dark void. As Chariblaze said tee-hee-hee, Blui129 snuck up behind Chariblaze and pushed him in, too. Before Blui129 could tee-hee-hee, Reshiwott pushed Blui129 into the void as well. Blui129 could appreciate the irony of this and so he wasn't even mad bro.
TheGuy went to shoot Zyflair, but Zyflair distracted him with furry stuff. TheGuy could not handle all the fur, so he died. MonsterHunter909 said "GRR ME NO LIKE FURRY THINGS" and tried to kill Zyflair with a katana, but slipped and impaled himself instead.
HypnoticLuxray picked daisies like a sally boy
ROUND 2 SURVIVORS: sillykyle, Zyflair, HypnoticLuxray, Reshiwott
let's do it