Red Usernames

Did you read the Bold print?? He put the example under the Bold.

EDIT: Oh I see it!! Yeah, he should change that to temporary banned.

dmaster out.
The person is perma-banned. But for the example, has a red name.
So permanant bans are red?? I know it's an example, but it's contradictory.

dmaster out.
You were confusing me, fully. That's all.

dmaster out.
Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
Any questions other than, "Can I have a red name because it looks cool?", because the answer to that is no. ;/

Ah, man. >_>

I like this idea. I think it's a much clearer way to see who is banned and what not. Great idea, PMJ.
I really like this idea. I've sometimes wondered if a banned person was perma-banned or temporarily banned.

In closing I think this idea will help the Pokebeach community to tell who will eventually come back to the forums, and whose not.

Great idea, PMJ!
I'm gonna laugh when someone PM's PMJ is gay for a name change :F

New members and returning members will no doubt be baffled but overall seems like a good idea.Though i'd go brown so you don't mistake the red for a supermod.
If you haven't gotten the logic of using that member...

It is RED for testing purposes. It can't be used on anyone who is actually temp-banned because it will run out otherwise it'll be unfair to the person for them to be a poster person for this change in protocol. We KNOW that that guy will never be unbanned because he sounds like a moron, but otherwise we'd have to continue to change the link into someone who IS temp-banned, which is a lot more effort than we need.
Lieutenant Houndoom said:
If you haven't gotten the logic of using that member...

It is RED for testing purposes. It can't be used on anyone who is actually temp-banned because it will run out otherwise it'll be unfair to the person for them to be a poster person for this change in protocol. We KNOW that that guy will never be unbanned because he sounds like a moron, but otherwise we'd have to continue to change the link into someone who IS temp-banned, which is a lot more effort than we need.

That's not true. I've seen a post where the member's name was red. Not sure what the rest of your post is about :/
Look at Fursohi man or whatever his name is. Red username. Fear it!
Heh, how many people will actually read this thread, especially after it is dead? We might have to stick it or something. I still think that colour should be reserved for certain positions.
That would be a good idea. It won't last forever and tthe Red Username thing will. So the people who join after this is dead or even if they join when this is still alive nost of them won't read it because they're not bothered enough.
or maybe WPM, can have a code thread in site disscusion that shows what is what, like purple=super mod
blah blah blah
Staff names are in bold. Double strikethrough was suggested instead of a color change, but that's not a possible option.

After not-so-careful consideration, I decided to run a strikethrough through tempbanned folks to avoid confusion with staff members.

*Time for LV to add in her 2 cents worth.*

I think that red names would work very well.
Maybe they can be red & crossed-out. intsead.

like this. (uses her own alias as an example)
Light Venusaur°
Well I don't know if you've been making that post for 20 minutes or something, but I just actually fixed it so now they're also strikethrough as well as red names, but I can't make the line red as you suggest. It's unnecessary, as well as impossible.
Ya the Strkieout will work alot better because it actually refers to the being ban.