Finished Reggie's Racing Cup 3: Final Race Up! Craziest Finish to a Season Ever??

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I think I figured it out now :p
I'll go with Reliability!
Add 5 points like it was the last 2 seasons!

Storylines headed into race 2

Who will take the lead in the points?
With 1 race down double o squirtle holds a lead in the points but only holds it by 3. Unless he can get another good finish we are certain to see someone else take the lead, but if Double O can pull off the rare back to back winstreak (only seen once before in RRC) then he could pull out to a monstrous lead in the points early on.

Underestimating Reliability
A lot of cars decided to gamble on having low reliability. For some, it paid off, but for others, like King Xerneas' 03 car, it did not, as he blew an engine late in the race. Will we see more cars fall victim to internal failures next race?

Will we see more cars enter RRC late?
I'm seeing a few lurkers who haven't entered RRC watch the thread. Signups aren't closed for Reggie's Racing Cup! You can still enter but you will be somewhat disadvantaged as you have less chances to make the playoffs. Please don't think "I won't join cause they already started", it's early on in the season and there's lots of opportunities left!
11th of 27. I'll take it. Hopefully I'll do better over the course of the rest of the season, but for the first race, this is good. Reliability with all of these road ragers please.
My deepest apologies to @Ice Espeon, because you're going to need to add another competitor to the sheet. :p I apologize if this is horrid timing.

Car #: 3
Sponsor: Joltik
Colors: Yellow and blue.
Extra Info: None.
Aggression: 60
Qualifying: 30
Pit Crew: 40
Reliability: 70

Maybe I'll have some beginner's luck...
It won't be a problem at all - I've designed it to allow for this situation :p. I'll add you once Regi confirms it.

Version 1.1

New: Ability to order columns in individual races added, upgrade history added with base and current stats shown.

(I <3 excel)
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