Regigigas ex the Amazing


Aspiring Trainer
I thought of the idea of haveing Regigigas ex and haveing Reuniclus and Vileplume in a deck. You can also tech in Kyurem. Reuniclus can move damage counters' Vileplume stops your oppoent and your self from useing trainer cards and Regigigas second attack does sixty damage plus ten more damage for each damage counter on Regigigas ex. You can also run a lot of special energy's like rescue energy's and prism energy's and double collerless energy's.

Prism Energy – Special Energy

This card provides 1 Colorless Energy.

If it’s attached to a Basic Pokemon, it provides 1 unit of every Type of Energy

Regigigas EX – Colorless – HP180
Basic Pokemon

[C][C][C] Giga Power: 60 damage. You may do an additional 20 damage. If you do, this Pokemon also does 20 damage to itself.
[C][C][C][C] Raging Hammer: Does 50 damage plus an additional 10 damage times the number of damage counters on this Pokemon.

Pokemon EX Rule: When Pokemon EX is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 4
unfortunately, donphan will shred this deck apart, it can tank out gigas and do 120 for one against it, if gigas has the 80 damage on it necessary for the OHKO, then donphan can revenge kill it for 2 prizes against the 1 prize, that gigas took, also, catcher will tear this deck apart if vileplume doesn't hit the field early enough, T3 plume is unacceptable in the matchup, despite it being relatively early for vileplume.
Then just add a tech for Donphan...

I think it will work ok, but I think Donphan and Magnezone will be problems. There aren't many good splashable Magnezone techs, but you could put in Tornadus or Yanmega for Donphan. Kyruem, which I see you included, is a fine Donphan counter too.
Well ukulelepichu it would take donpahn two turns to knock out regigigas ex if donphan had one or two energys on it. If regigigas ex had four energy on it and 120 damage on it you could knock out donphan and remember i also talked about teching in kyruem in this that could be a donphan counter.

You can also have shaymin ex in here and you could have that darkri ex in here. You could also run four rainbown and four prism energy's in here.

Well magnazone wouldn't be a problem really because you would hafe to put four energys in the lost zone and not many people play magnazone now.
thepliskin5005 said:
Well magnazone wouldn't be a problem really because you would hafe to put four energys in the lost zone and not many people play magnazone now.

Magneboar is steadily regaining popularity, and Primetime still sees a lot of play.
how is adding random ex's helping this idea? The only way for regigigas to ohko donphan is if it has damage counters on it, in which case donphan could ohko regigigas and take 2 prizes. Also, donphan takes {F}, where gigas takes {C}{C}{C}{C}
With Durant, Primetime, and maybe Magneboar, will see a drop in play.
Remeber if you have vileplume and reuniclus in this deck donphan wouldnt be that much of a problem. And you still have other pokemon to back you up like shaymin ex. Every deck hase bad match ups and this deck hase bad match ups to magnazone but its not a real bad match up.
Actually Donphan still is a problem because Heavy Impact can knock it out in one hit.
Remeber i have counters for donphan and i can attach evo lite before i set up vileplume. And i rarley see people use that attack.
Once they see Gigas, they will begin to set up a Heavy Impact.

Your evolite strategy is also a perfect world idea. Because you want a quick lock, you'll try to set up a quick Vileplume. Evolite isn't searchable at all, so you probably won't be able to get one before you get the Vileplume out.
I dont want to argue with you glaceion please stop posting on here there is no perswading you. I have more than regigigas to attack with if that was the case.
the thing is, regigigas is a terrible matchup against donphan. You can try it, but any donphan will rip this card apart. Also, please work on your spelling
what? I did not understand the first half of your post at all. Also, kyurem ex is pretty terrible.
Gigas has a retreat cost of {C}{C}{C}{C}. How do you expect to retreat it? All I'm saying is that it will take a buttload of resources to get gigas on the bench before it's ko'd and the opponent takes 2 prizes. Also, cyroginal is a much better d-phan counter