Regigigas ex the Amazing

Gigas can attack turn 2, however for setting up quickly it is best to get behind on prizes to set up Vileplume and Reuniclus.
thepliskin5005 said:
How is regigigias ex slow you can do a second turn eighty with him or if you attach two dce's you can do its second attack on the second turn with him. And kyurem ex would be amazing if you kept takeing damage off of him. And remember you don't hafe to one shot them every time with regigigas ex so you can choose how many damage counters you want on him.
You can only have 4 dce's total in your deck. What are the chances of drawing into both t2? Also, what happens to the dce's when gigas is ko'd? Thats right, discard. Kyurem ex is terrible. Just sayin
First, you only need 1 DCE for the t2 80 since that costs 3 colorless, which makes it very possible. Next, you have energy exchanger, which really helps getting a DCE. Maybe not so great once Vileplume gets out, but by that point its set up Reuniclus and win.
Dark Void said:
First, you only need 1 DCE for the t2 80 since that costs 3 colorless, which makes it very possible. Next, you have energy exchanger, which really helps getting a DCE. Maybe not so great once Vileplume gets out, but by that point its set up Reuniclus and win.
What I'm trying to say is gigas would be good if it weren't an ex. When it's full health 2 shotted be d-phan, the opponent takes 2 prizes. Then, you bring up the "amazing" kyurem ex. You attach a {W}. They earthquake or heavy impact. Kyurem is now at either 90 or 120 hp. You attach another dce, if you even have one. You do 100 to d-phan. Donphan is now set up for heavy impact and ko's you for 2 prizes. You're now 4 prizes down. good luck recovering from that
...I'm not disagreeing with you that Kyurem EX is horrible. I'm agreeing that if you pull it you should sell it or glue it into your trade binder. But, with a Prism on Gigas, a benched Darkrai EX, and a Cyrogonal you can get the prize advantage whenever a Donphan shows up.
pokemonjoe said:
not necessarily. google used donphan, zekrom, and SEL. Each of these cards were specifically chosen. It seems like you went Gigas has lots of hp, I'll put him in a deck. Gigas is extremely slow, and to do anything, you need lots of damage and it is in the range of being ohko'd. Every single ex you're talking about takes two prizes when ko'd. That's bad. Real bad. Especially when all you rely on is ex's. Also, there's no space in my name and please work on your spelling
google himself has said that the attackers will vary based on how the meta develops and how it is in your location. He chose Donphan, Zekrom, and SEL specifically for a worlds meta. Mew might be a justifiable inclusion post-EP, while Zekrom might not be as much of one.

The issue is that except in special cases like Mew and Zekrom, all the attackers need 130+HP after their attack. Gigas has a pretty bad weakness and it's much slower than any of those 3 attackers google had. It also runs the risk of not having enough HP if you try to OHKO something. The 2 prizes is a huge liability when you're usually down 3 prizes after setup.
Dark Void said:
...I'm not disagreeing with you that Kyurem EX is horrible. I'm agreeing that if you pull it you should sell it or glue it into your trade binder. But, with a Prism on Gigas, a benched Darkrai EX, and a Cyrogonal you can get the prize advantage whenever a Donphan shows up.
I previously said cyrogonal, but apparently kyurem ex is better (which it's not). I guess gigas ex could be used if it's used correctly, but it's a little hard to tell exactly what is being told to us via the OP
Cryogonal is horrible. It's just hype. In Vileplume/Reuniclus, Kyurem EX actually is better because of its higher HP, although I'd probably rather still be running SEL.
Celebi23 said:
Cryogonal is horrible. It's just hype. In Vileplume/Reuniclus, Kyurem EX actually is better because of its higher HP, although I'd probably rather still be running SEL.
Forgot about SEL. That'd probably be the best option, but in a contest between kyurem EX and cyrogonal, I'd run Cyrogonal so you can ko donphan and utilize twins without it being too bad or just retreat. Also, with kyurem ex, you're way too reliant on dce's.
pokemonjoe said:
I previously said cyrogonal, but apparently kyurem ex is better (which it's not). I guess gigas ex could be used if it's used correctly, but it's a little hard to tell exactly what is being told to us via the OP

Stop sticking other people's words in my mouth. Since you seem to keep pulling up someome else poor arguement which I do not agree with against me, I'll repeat myself: Kyurem EX is awful. Do not use it. Use Cyrogonal.

Anyway, Gigas should not be the only thing in your deck. googlebox is a toolbox, Regigigas is just one tool. Against Donphan, Cyrogonal will be your tool of choice, not Regigigas, its simpel as that. However, Gigas works well against most other things. If Zekrom, who has 50 less hp and deals 30 less, can work well in googlebox I think Gigas can too.
^Then what do you do when they load 3 energy on their benched Donphan? They OHKO you and Cryogonal does nothing to a dragon, which can Outrage back if you're not careful. They can load 3 energy on 3 benched Donphans at that point if they want.
You would only use Cyrogonal against a Donphan deck, while you wouldn't use Gigas against said Donphan deck. Against a Zekrom deck, you can simply send up Gigas until they Bolt Strike, then move the damage so there is 40 left on Gigas and hit the OHKO back with 140 HP remaining, enough to avoid the revenge KO. Reshiram is a bit more tricky since Blue Flare doesn't damage them directly, so you will have to wait until it reaches 3 damage counters from Afterburner, then you can KO it. Or, you could always just use the first attack for a 2HKO if they aren't Afterburnering.
But Cryogonal isn't really countering Donphan when it gets OHKOed back. I meant a Zekrom/Reshiram in DD, not a Zekrom deck. My whole last post was talking about a Donphan deck.
Dark Void said:
Stop sticking other people's words in my mouth. Since you seem to keep pulling up someome else poor arguement which I do not agree with against me, I'll repeat myself: Kyurem EX is awful. Do not use it. Use Cyrogonal.

Anyway, Gigas should not be the only thing in your deck. googlebox is a toolbox, Regigigas is just one tool. Against Donphan, Cyrogonal will be your tool of choice, not Regigigas, its simpel as that. However, Gigas works well against most other things. If Zekrom, who has 50 less hp and deals 30 less, can work well in googlebox I think Gigas can too.
I wasn't using that poor argument against you, I was telling celebi my opinion. I realized you agreed with my on kyurem ex earlier, I should have said it though. Also, gigas is just one tool in googlebox, but the way the original poster said it, it sounded like that was the only thing other than kyurem ex
Let's not start a flame war, guys.

googlebox has to have bulky attackers. 80HP just doesn't cut it. I don't know why that's even arguable, but oh well. Cryogonal might have a niche role in some decks, but the HP is too low to work in googlebox.
Celebi23 said:
Let's not start a flame war, guys.

googlebox has to have bulky attackers. 80HP just doesn't cut it. I don't know why that's even arguable, but oh well. Cryogonal might have a niche role in some decks, but the HP is too low to work in googlebox.
I wasn't really specifically talking about googlebox, more of a general d-phan counter. But, in googlebox, yea 80hp ain't gonna cut it.
Alright Pokemonjoe, I understand what you are saying and I agree, the OP's idea of the deck wouldn't work very well. I had meant to post a thread for this myself and forgot, but since posting it now would be redundant I'm using this thread.

As for the dragons in D&D, you would deal with them similarly. If they have 3 or more damage counters, bring Gigas down to 130 HP or higher if possible then KO with the second attack. If not, use the first attack for the 2HKO and keep Gigas above 120 hp. As for Cyrogonal not countering a Donphan that uses Heavy Impact, Cyrogonal is a basic that KOs Donphan for 2 energy, Donphan is a stage 1 that KOs Cyrogonal for 3 energy. If you can keep the Cyrogonal coming Donphan shouldn't be a problem. Also, a problem with Donphan decks is they usually run low energy counts and don't have great draw; they will have trouble keeping up with losing 3 energy in one turn and spending 3 turns before being able to send up another Donphan.
You lose access to Catcher with googlebox. So they can wall with a dragon, which Cryogonal can't do much to without risking an Outrage KO, while piling a bunch of energy on multiple benched Donphan. Then they can come in and OHKO multiple Cryogonal OR Regigigas EX. There's nothing stopping a Heavy Impact sweep except you getting lucky and having them miss energy draws.
I think the rule of thumb for that matchup is to always have a benched Cyrogonal with 2 energy on it; if you Ko some dragon and they bring up a Donphan to Heavy Impact you, you bringup Cyrogonal and KO it back. Yes, you lose 2 prizes to their 1, but they lsoe the momentum and have to spend another 3 turns, maybe more if they run into an energy drought (very possible) and in that tiem you might be able to take another prize or two of their dragons to keep up. I'm not saying that the matchup is favorable; it would probably be Gigas's worst matchup, although it is possible, unlike some of Gothitelle's matchups, and people are still using Gothitelle, aren't they?
If you ran Kyurem, you would just power it up and sweep the game. That's much easier than making some crazy complicated plan involving extra bench slots and extra Pokemon.