BW/BW2 Reshiram or Zekrom?

Reshiram or Zekrom?

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I say Zekrom beacuse it's an Electric/Dragon type which is a unique combination. No offense to Reshiram.
I voted Reshiram because:
1. my brother is forcing me to get Black version becuase we made a deal when the game names were announced but before Reshiram and Zekrom were released.
2. since I am getting Black version i decided to make myself like Reshiram.
3. it grew on me and now I think it is amazing and I actually like its unusual-looking torch tail.
4. it's fluffy!

AkaiMidoriAoi said:
Reshiram, It's less... weird?

I like it cuz it's more weird :D

Culex77 said:
I say Zekrom beacuse it's an Electric/Dragon type which is a unique combination. No offense to Reshiram.

There has never been a a Dragon/Fire pokemon so I'm okay with it. But Dragon/Electric does sound pretty spectacular

Redneck said:
Zekrom will specialize in Offense (probably Sp Atk), and Reshiram in Defensive capabilities
But I wonder who's faster?! And what their signature moves will be...

I think Zekrom will have higher attack and defense and have an awesome physical Electric signature move. Then I think Reshiram will have high sp. attack and sp. defense with an amazing special Fire signature move. They would both have superspeed and high (400 max) HP. That would be ideal for me.
yea i prefer reshiram its face looks great and its tail plus my brothers getting white so...

cant wait to see the third legendary.
Reshiram. personally i think they're both some of the best looking legendaries they've had, but reshiram is my favourite. >.<
I dunno how people like Reshiram over Zekrom! I mean, in my opinion, Zekrom is easily the cooler choice over Reshiram's design! Reshiram has puny arms on huge wings, a face that looks like a fox, and some weird hair that look like dreads.
Reshiram. I've been waiting for an angel-like Pokemon, and finally we have one! The torch tail is also cool =]
reshiram i like zekrom but hes not cool enough{P}:p

reshiram i like zekrom but hes not cool enough{P}:p

reshiram i like zekrom but hes not cool enough{P}:p

reshiram i like zekrom but hes not cool enough{P}:p

reshiram i like zekrom but hes not cool enough{P}:p

reshiram i like zekrom but hes not cool enough{P}:p


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I like both, but Reshiram just a little more. Zekrom looks similar to Palkia too much, mainly from its pose.
I honestly like them both pretty equally. At first I was all for Zekrom, but as I've looked at Reshiram more I must sat some aspects of it are better. I never use legendaries in game so it doesn't matter too much, but my choice on either Black or White version will depend on the game exclusives and all that other stuff seeing how both legendaries are pretty cool to me.

One more thing to add. Maybe it was just me who missed it, but has anyone else ever noticed that Zekrom has the tip of the tail-like thing on its head completely blue? I was looking at some new screen shots of battle scenes (Mijumaru vs. Zekrom) and it was much moe noticable on its head. I just can't believe I never noticed it before. Also on the note of those screen shots I must say Zekrom looked rather awkward as a sprite... Maybe it has to do with the zooming of camera angles and what not, but it looked weird compared to the Reshiram sprite. Just my thoughts though.
I say Zekrom. In all honesty, I don't really like Reshiram's design much at all. It just doesn't do it for me. But the Dragon/Fire is pretty cool.

Zekrom has a very cool design IMHO, very dark, very tech... And he's Dragon/Electric, another very cool type. {F}
AndreGermanotta said:
It's so angelic and simplistic.
Plus, it's a fire type, which makes it x10 cooler.

The awkward hair tufts and chest wings detract from that x10, for sure.

The only downside I see to Zekrom is that he looks like a robot. But still, he's cool. :D
Majora_787 said:
The awkward hair tufts and chest wings detract from that x10, for sure.

The only downside I see to Zekrom is that he looks like a robot. But still, he's cool. :D

Zekrom has that unattractive tail, and horn.
Reshiram doesn't. ;)
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