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Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

RE: Returning with a New List

Oh, well I value my Mesprit a bit higher than a single pack since it's actually rather playable. But thanks anyways. =]
RE: Returning with a New List

I made that offer on the wrong thread, sorry
A simple "no thank you" would have been nice.
RE: Returning with a New List

SotS: Hmmm, well what do you value Mesprit at? I value the packs at atleast $3-4 each. And I cant find a single completed auction for Mesprit on Ebay that goes for more than $5. Would you do 2 packs for the Mesprit and Flygon SW since Flygon is relatively inexpensive? LMK thx

Shakespeare: Lol, im not quite sure I believe you, but I apologize if I offended you. I really didnt mean to. Just trying to be a tad humorous. I just grow tired of some of the ridiculous offers I get on this site and other trading sites.

alyxandra: No longer need Hippowdons, got them in another trade.

DeepBalance: Tried PM'ing you but your box is full. Contact me somehow I wanna do that trade.
RE: Returning with a New List

I think I'll hold onto them, some people at my leaugue wanted them as well. Sorry for buggin' 'ya. =]
RE: Returning with a New List

umbreonchamp: Do you see anything else on my list that youre interested in for it?

SotS: No problem
RE: Returning with a New List

I will trade for your flygon lv. X

idk what, but you can CML. If you dont see anything, then feel free to ask, cuz i have much more.
RE: Returning with a New List

EddieT.: Didnt see much for it. Probably won't be trading it until Supreme Victors comes out, unless someone offers a deal i cant refuse.
RE: Returning with a New List

Zangoosed said:
EddieT.: Didnt see much for it. Probably won't be trading it until Supreme Victors comes out, unless someone offers a deal I cant refuse.

k, thanks anyway
RE: Returning with a New List

Would you mind CML for your JPN Leafeon or JPN Dialga G LV.X?
RE: Returning with a New List

DeoxysUnknownForme : Saw nothing

Added the following:
Dialga G Lv. X
Wailord EX
Kyogre *
Metagross *
Shaymin Lv. X Land
A lot of other Lv. X's and Ex's
RE: Returning with a New List

Hey :)

I have these:
Toxicroak G DP Promo #41
Luxray GL
Flygon SW
Gallade 4 x 2
Hippowdon Lv. X (low want)

and I am interested in these:

EX list
Typhlosion EX (Sandstorm) x 2
Blaziken EX (Team Aqua/Magma)
Suicune EX
Groudon EX (Hidden Legends)
Blastoise EX x 1 (the english one)
Moltres EX
Venusaur EX
Rocket's Entei EX
Rocket's Hitmonchan EX
Rocket's Moltres EX
Rocket's Snorlax EX
Rocket's Zapdos EX x 2
Deoxys EX #98 (Attack)
Deoxys EX #99 (Defense)
Rayquaza EX (Deoxys)
Arcanine EX

Shining/Star List
Mudkip *
Kyogre *
Metagross *
Jolteon *

Can you make me an offer? ;)
RE: Returning with a New List

Frodus: Didnt see much on your list other than maybe Darkrai G. Do you have any unlisted Mesprits from LA?

Lotti: Here is what I am willing to trade from what u listed:

Typhlosion EX (Sandstorm) x 2
Groudon EX (Hidden Legends)
Blastoise EX x 1 (the english one)
Venusaur EX
Rocket's Zapdos EX
Deoxys EX #98 (Attack)
Deoxys EX #99 (Defense)
Arcanine EX

The other cards are just too high of value to me to trade them for what you're offering. Also, the Blastoise EX is in a played condition has a slightly bent corner. Get me an offer based on that info thanks!
RE: Returning with a New List

nah sorry no mesprits.

would you maybe do the x2 Dusknoir D&P (the non RH ones) for x1 Darkrai G?
RE: Returning with a New List

Zangoosed said:
Lotti: Here is what I am willing to trade from what u listed:

Typhlosion EX (Sandstorm) x 2
Groudon EX (Hidden Legends)
Blastoise EX x 1 (the english one)
Venusaur EX
Rocket's Zapdos EX
Deoxys EX #98 (Attack)
Deoxys EX #99 (Defense)
Arcanine EX

The other cards are just too high of value to me to trade them for what you're offering. Also, the Blastoise EX is in a played condition has a slightly bent corner. Get me an offer based on that info thanks!

Alright, what about (FYI don't value the ex's very high so yeah)

Luxray GL
Flygon SW
Gallade 4 x 2
Hippowdon Lv. X (low want)

Typhlosion EX (Sandstorm) x 2
Groudon EX (Hidden Legends)
Venusaur EX
Rocket's Zapdos EX
Deoxys EX #98 (Attack)
Deoxys EX #99 (Defense)
Arcanine EX

LMK ;)
RE: Returning with a New List

Frodus: Well I'd definitely only trade 1 for 1. Which SF Dusknoir are u looking for? The holo #1 or the regular rare #17?

I also see Mismagius GL RR and Blaziken PT. But these are all minor wants for me. Maybe we can work something out though. LMK more specifically which Dusknoir you're looking for. Thx

Lotti: Well I understand that EX's aren't worth what they used to be, but I know for a fact that I can get atleast $5-15 for some of those on Ebay. So, theres no way im trading you $40-50 worth of my cards for the $20 worth of cards you're offering. Sorry. I was going to offer a few of them for just the Toxicroak G Promo and Hippowdon Lv. X.
RE: Returning with a New List

Zangoosed said:
Lotti: Well I understand that EX's aren't worth what they used to be, but I know for a fact that I can get atleast $5-15 for some of those on Ebay. So, theres no way im trading you $40-50 worth of my cards for the $20 worth of cards you're offering. Sorry. I was going to offer a few of them for just the Toxicroak G Promo and Hippowdon Lv. X.

Well, as I said I value most of them at $2-$4 so my offer was quite ok in my oppinion :) Thanks anyways ;)
RE: Returning with a New List

Hey I have these off of your want list:
Dialga G x1 (regular Holo)
Palkia G x2 (1 regular 1 Reverse Holo)
Mesprit LA x1 Non Holo
Hippowdon Lv. X (low want) x1

I am intreasted in:
Shaymin Lv. X (Land) (Higest want)
Alakazam 4 Lv. X (Just collection)
Gallade 4 Lv. X (Just collection)
Lucario GL x1 (deck need)
Kingdra (Semi deck want)

I know that I am not going to get all that stuff that I want. I also have money if you are selling.