• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime


And only 1 RH Gengar is up for trade now :p

(Needs a tad of an update :3)

If you don't work out something with Hyunbin, I'm interested in your PROMO Garchomp Lv.X.

Prof. Shinx: Ok thats fine. Care to make an offer? I PM'ed u as well.

Catbus: Theres nothing on his list that Im interested in so its yours for the taking. LMK thanks

I know they aren't listed... but do you have any more RR packs left?

If so, can you CML for a few? (However many you want to trade, if any.)

RE: Returning with a New List

I recall you saying you had sealed RR packs. Please CML for them.
RE: Returning with a New List

Hey, I am interested in these:

Luxray GL Lv. X

Blastoise EX (japanese; Not a High want)


Reverse Holo Uncommon/Common
Cyrus's Conspiracy
Poketurn x 2

Uxie (Reverse Holo)

Majestic Dawn
Call Energy x 1 (Reverse foil)

Great Encounters
Claydol x 4 (1 Regular, 3 Reverse Holo)

I have these off your wants:

Dustox DP Regular Rare Version
Dialga G
Mesprit LA
Gallade 4 x 2 (1 RH if you want it)
YOUR LIST (You can CML for anything else you may need)

LMK an offer.


*PS- You are not allowed to ask for money/set price for your card, since you are not a verified seller. So I had to take off all the prices you had.*
RE: Returning with a New List

I need the Flygon Lv. X. The only thing I have from your wants is Dialga G and Hippowdon RR. I have $$$ Palkia G Lv. X and a used Diamond version if you're interested though
RE: Returning with a New List

CML for
RH Toxicroak G
Machamp LV.X
Gallade 4
RH Luxray GL
2 Claydol(only english)
Dialga G(not RH)
Dusknoir LV.X(low want)
Mesprit LV.X(low want)
Gallade 4 LV.X
Darkrai Sleeves
Charizard Nats Stamped
Surfing Pikachu
RH SP Radar
2 RH Poketurn
RH Cyrus's Conspiracy

I have a lot of old stuff I want to trade too.(Which I will be doing a semimajor update tommorrow, unless something bad happens)
I also have 2 DP Dustox(normal, not holo), that you wanted. Please look!
RE: Returning with a New List

Cresselia lv.X
Flygon SW
Gallade 4

Luxray GL Lv. X
RE: Returning with a New List

Wow thats a lot of lists to check people!!! If your name isnt mentioned in this post I saw nothing on your list or i'm just passing on your offer. Thanks!

Juliacoolo: I have 4 packs left. I see Flygon RR, Luxray GL RR, and Mesprit LA. LMK thx

: Before I think of offers, just know that in order for me to trade those RH, Uxies and Claydol I need regular versions to be involved in a trade to replace them. And also I see that Blastoise EX isnt a big want but what do you value it at? 10? Lower? LMK and I'll see what I can come up with, thanks.

P.S. Sorry about those prices. I sometimes copy and paste my list from other sites and forget that i have "HTG" or prices listed and forget to delete them.

nabby101: I only see Magnezone Lv. X.
RE: Returning with a New List

Zangoosed said:
Wow thats a lot of lists to check people!!! If your name isnt mentioned in this post I saw nothing on your list or I'm just passing on your offer. Thanks!

Juliacoolo: I have 4 packs left. I see Flygon RR, Luxray GL RR, and Mesprit LA. LMK thx

: Before I think of offers, just know that in order for me to trade those RH, Uxies and Claydol I need regular versions to be involved in a trade to replace them. And also I see that Blastoise EX isnt a big want but what do you value it at? 10? Lower? LMK and I'll see what I can come up with, thanks.

P.S. Sorry about those prices. I sometimes copy and paste my list from other sites and forget that I have "HTG" or prices listed and forget to delete them.

nabby101: I only see Magnezone Lv. X.

Well, I don't have any regular version of Claydol but I do of Uxie. But if you want them included in the deal I would be hesitant to replace it because then there's really no point asking for it if I have to give up one to get one lol. But if that would be only way to get them then I may do that but you would also have to add in to make up the difference between RH and Non Holo.

As for the Blastoise EX, considering it was rotated a long time ago, and is JPN, I guess either $5 or $6.

*P.S.S- Thats fine, not a problem just as long as they are not there and you understood the rule about that (which you do) then its fine as long as it doesn't keep happening when you update your thread, lol.
RE: Returning with a New List

Hi, CML for more, but off the top of my head I know I have
1 Gallade 4
3 Hippowdon RR

I'm interetsed in these
Garchomp Lv. X (Japanese Promo)
Alakazam 4 Lv. X
Luxray GL Lv. X
RE: Returning with a New List

Magnezone Lv.X
DP Dusknoir (holo)

For Your:
Rhyperior x2
Rhyperior Lv.X
RE: Returning with a New List

Would you happen to have any holo energies and/or Japanese Scyther and Scizor cards?
RE: Returning with a New List

I know you said earlier you weren't interested in my list but here's what I can offer for the Luxray GL LV.X
Shaymin LV.X(land forme)
Giratina LV.X(tin)
1-3 Rotoms(depeding on which ones you pick)

For your
Luxray GL LV.X
