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Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

RE: H: Claydol x 7, Many Lv. X's N: Leafeon/Glaceon Lv.X

I will trade leafeon x for your 2 non holo claydol and shiny duskull
RE: Updated List! Easy Wants! Come Trade!

salamaster: Is your Leafeon Lv. X mint? I can trade 2 Claydols for it. LMK

RE: Updated List! Easy Wants! Come Trade!

Saviour_Gundam: Didnt see much for the Palkia G Lv. X. But if you're willing to trade either your Regi Lv. X or Porygon Z Lv. X for the Rayquaza EX i can do that. LMK thanks
RE: Updated List! Easy Wants! Come Trade!

Please CML for 2 Weavile G (1 Holo, 1 RH). I prefer English ones.
RE: Updated List! Easy Wants! Come Trade!

CML for Sceptile GE. I have a Regigigas LvX pack and tin now.
RE: Updated List! Easy Wants! Come Trade!

CML for 2 or 3 Claydols
I have:
Regigigas Lv. X (Tin)(I also have the SF one, but the Tin one will be easier to get from me)
Cyrus's Conspiracy x 1
Energy Gain x 3

LMK, Thanks
RE: Updated List! Easy Wants! Come Trade!


Bebe's Search x3
Premier Ball
Cynthia's Feelings x3
Rosanne's Research x3
Broken Time Space x3
Stark Mountain x2
Infernape Lv X (PACK)
RE: Updated List! Easy Wants! Come Trade!

Pokefan4000: Im holding on to Weaviles at the moment.

Muddy68: Are u saying you'd trade a Regi X for a Sceptile GE? LMK

zephilim: Saw nothing for Claydols sorry

MasterDarkrai93: Holding on to Palkia for time being.

The Hybrid
: Only saw Dusknoir Lv. X
RE: Updated List! Easy Wants! Come Trade!

Torterra Lv. X
Regigigas Lv. X
Cyrus PT x2


Palkia G Lv. X
Venusaur ex (MUST BE MINT!!)
RE: Updated List! Easy Wants! Come Trade!

Zangoosed said:

The Hybrid
: Only saw Dusknoir Lv. X

I need:

Rosanne's Research x3
Energy Switch x2

Would you happen to have Moltres MD x2?

anyway we can work something out for the cards above plus a few claydols?
RE: I've Returned With an Updated List! Come Trade!

I have:
1x Luxray GL Lv.X
1x Machamp Lv.X
1x Machamp SF
1x Flygon RR
1x Beedrill RR
2x SP Energy
3x Looker's Investigation

I need:
1x Flygon Lv.X

Can we work out a deal? Thanks.
RE: I've Returned With an Updated List! Come Trade!

How about my 2 Hippowdon RR, Machamp SF, and 2 Looker's

for your Mismagius GLX
RE: I've Returned With an Updated List! Come Trade!

kevkev77777: Saw little sorry

Politoed666: Flygon Lv. X is very hard to get off me right now. You'd have to rip yourself for it. I'd need like 2 RR Lv. X's for it and then some.

darksoulSP: How 'bout no. Come on . . . those cards are each worth a $1 each on ebay, Machamp maybe a couple bucks, and Mismagius is averaging atleast $15. Thanks but no thanks.
RE: I've Returned With an Updated List! Come Trade!

I have:

Luxray GL Lv. X
Luxray GL x1
Flygon RR x1
Beedrill RR x 1
Nidoqueen RR x 1
Hippowdon RR x 1
SP Energy x 2
Upper Energy x 1
SP Radar x 2

I am interested in your 2x RH Uxie LA. LMK if we can work something out, or if you want to CML for some other stuff instead.
RE: I've Returned With an Updated List! Come Trade!

Hi CML for flygon lv X, I can give uxie lv X and more thanks
RE: I've Returned With an Updated List! Come Trade!

Hi again!

Can you CML list for Flygon Lv X. Thanks.