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Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

RE: H: Claydol x 7, Shaymin Lv. X Land N: Uxies

I give you $60 for

6 claydols 3rh 3 rare

RE: H: Claydol x 7, Shaymin Lv. X Land N: Uxies

Zangoosed said:
vrapceboy: That trade went through, so I really don't need Uxies anymore. Figured I'd give you a heads up so you can trade them freely with others. Sorry :(


Can you then please CML to see anything for one claydol please
RE: H: Claydol x 7, Shaymin Lv. X Land N: Uxies

Ampha-pwn77: Didnt see anything.

Rodiqio: Nothing sorry.

DP Salamy: My Weaviles are pretty HTG right now.

: not paying for those. Dont need them that badly.

madmew: Is that a joke? I'd sell 3 RH for $45.

vrapceboy: I might be able to trade a Claydol for an Uxie LA.
RE: H: Claydol x 7, Shaymin Lv. X Land N: Uxies

how many Machamps SF do you need cause I also like your SF Mamoswine and LA Mamoswine
RE: H: Claydol x 7, Shaymin Lv. X Land N: Uxies

Zangoosed said:
Ampha-pwn77: Didnt see anything.

Rodiqio: Nothing sorry.

DP Salamy: My Weaviles are pretty HTG right now.

: not paying for those. don't need them that badly.

madmew: Is that a joke? I'd sell 3 RH for $45.

vrapceboy: I might be able to trade a Claydol for an Uxie LA.

Really? I am able do to that. Please PM me to finallize...
RE: H: Claydol x 7, Shaymin Lv. X Land N: Uxies

Hello I have these from your wants
Machamp Lv. X
Machamp SF
Regigas lv X ( pack )
Blastoise PT ( rh )
What do you have off my wants besides claydol?
RE: H: Claydol x 7, Shaymin Lv. X Land N: Uxies

I HAVE Machamp Lv. X!I WANT Palkia G Lv. X+Scyther Secret Rare/Shiny Duskull/Charmeleon Secret Rare/Sceptile/Togekiss/ Dialga /Exploud/Tyranitar EX
RE: H: Claydol x 7, Shaymin Lv. X Land N: Uxies

Hi again,
I'm interested in your Palkia G Lv X, I have Machamp Lv X.
RE: H: Claydol x 7, Shaymin Lv. X Land N: Uxies

eeeh I didn't ask you to cml, I asked how many Machamp SF do you need =/ cause I like your SF Mamoswine and LA Mamoswine
RE: H: Claydol x 7, Shaymin Lv. X Land N: Uxies

Rodiqio: I need 1 Machamp SF.

vrapceboy: Just realized youre from outside the US. I don't really want to trade overseas on a trade I really dont need that bad. Sorry. :(

EastbayTrainer: Nothing really, besides a Dialga G.

Eric Chui: Not willing to trade Palkia G Lv. X, but everything else u listed is fair game. Get me an offer thanks!

Garchomp: I'll have to pass on that one, sorry.
RE: H: Claydol x 7, Shaymin Lv. X Land N: Uxies

Ill trade you Regigas Lv x ( pack ) and blastoise PT ( rh ) for Palkia g lv x
RE: H: Claydol x 7, Shaymin Lv. X Land N: Uxies

EastbayTrainer: Nah i'll pass on that. Palkia G Lv. X is worth twice as much as Regigigas Lv. X.
RE: H: Claydol x 7, Shaymin Lv. X Land N: Uxies

Even with Blastoise RH its still not worth it.

Palkia G Lv. X - $20

Regigigas Lv.X -$10
Blastoise - $3

Plus I dont need Regi that badly.
RE: H: Claydol x 7, Many Lv. X's N: Leafeon/Glaceon Lv.X

Ill trade you regi lv X ( pack ) and Blastoise( rh ) for a claydol thenand rh blastoise are worth 5$
RE: H: Claydol x 7, Many Lv. X's N: Leafeon/Glaceon Lv.X

I have
at least 4 HQ
6x Cyrus'
and at least 4 of all tools
Machamp Lv. X
Machamp SF
Glaceon Lv. X
Leafeon Lv. X
Regigigas Lv. X
Palkia Lv. X

I need $$$
RE: H: Claydol x 7, Many Lv. X's N: Leafeon/Glaceon Lv.X

EastbayTrainer: I'd need some of my higher wants to trade for a Claydol. Sorry :(

lucario137: Not willing to buy at this time sorry
RE: H: Claydol x 7, Many Lv. X's N: Leafeon/Glaceon Lv.X

well what else do you want? I need claydols. . WHo doesnt. .
RE: H: Claydol x 7, Many Lv. X's N: Leafeon/Glaceon Lv.X

cml for leafeon lv.x jap and garchomp lv.x jap mainly need leafeon but i have these
1 machamp lv.x and 5x machamp sf