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Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

RE: HAVE PLATINUM! H: Shaymin Lv.X Land, RH Claydol x 2, and more

CML for Shaymin LvX.
RE: HAVE PLATINUM! H: Shaymin Lv.X Land, RH Claydol x 2, and more

I have
Machamp Lv. X (pack)
Regigigas Lv. X (pack)
Machamp SF
Dusknoir SF Prerelease Sleeves ( used but in reasonably good condition I have about 76 of them too. )

I want
Shaymin Lv. X Land Form ( I am assuming this the +40 HP one )

Would you take the Champ and the Regigigas Lv.X for it?

I have zero ref so I am happy to send first I guess.

If we can agree to the Lv.X's part, I'll be happy to trade you the rest of what you need, but we can work that out later if you are interested.
RE: HAVE PLATINUM! H: Shaymin Lv.X Land, RH Claydol x 2, and more

Updated List with new cards pulled from a Platinum Booster Box
RE: HAVE PLATINUM! H: Shaymin Lv.X Land, RH Claydol x 2, and more

[ImpulseRayquaza]: Didnt really see anything. Are you willing to buy?
RE: HAVE PLATINUM! H: Shaymin Lv.X Land, RH Claydol x 2, and more


Ampharos x2
Energy Gain
Uxie LA

Shaymin X Land

Counter if you need to
RE: HAVE PLATINUM! H: Shaymin Lv.X Land, RH Claydol x 2, and more

My RegigigasX, and 2 mespirit LA or Giritina X
Your: ShayminX

RE: HAVE PLATINUM! H: Shaymin Lv.X Land, RH Claydol x 2, and more


Mesprit LA
Machamp Lv. X
Regigigas Lv. X (tin)
Machamp SF
Luxray DP Regular Holo
Carnivine DP Regular Rare
Dustox DP Regular Rare
Gengar DP Regular Rare
Lopunny DP Regular Rare
Steelix DP Regular Rare
Vespiqueen DP Regular Rare

Leafeon Lv. X (Japanese version)
RE: HAVE PLATINUM! H: Shaymin Lv.X Land, RH Claydol x 2, and more

I have:
Ampharos x1 Galactics Conquest
Palkia G x 1 GC
Regigigas Lv. X (tin)
Machamp SF
Dusknoir SF Prerelease Sleeves
Luxray DP Regular Holo
Manaphy DP Regular Holo
Carnivine DP Regular Rare
Dustox DP Regular Rare
Steelix DP Regular Rare
Vespiqueen DP Regular Rare

I need:
Dialga G x 2 (2 Japanese)
Giratina #9
Gyarados G
Broken Time Space x 3 (1 Reverse Holo)
Cyrus's Conspiracy x 2
Level Max x 2 (2 Reverse Holo)
Miasma Valley (Reverse Holo)
Pokedex x 2 (2 Reverse Holo)
Powerspray x 2
Poketurn x 2

Reverse Holo Uncommon/Common
Broken Time Space
Level Max x 2
Pokedex x 2

LMK what we can work out.
RE: HAVE PLATINUM! H: Shaymin Lv.X Land, RH Claydol x 2, and more

I forgot to reply to this so long ago sorry.
But can you re-CML for:

Suicune EX
Rocket's Entei EX
Rocket's Suicune EX
Rocket's Raikou EX

RE: HAVE PLATINUM! H: Shaymin Lv.X Land, RH Claydol x 2, and more

ESP: Not willing to trade Shaymin Lv. X for that stuff. I'm still interested in the Amphy x 2 and Energy Gain though if you see anything else you like. I believe I have a few of your wants from your list. LMK thanks

Juliacoolo: No thanks

Prof. Shinx
: I'll have to pass sorry.

George2FRESH: I can trade all that stuff except for the 2 Dialga G's, the rest of the stuff you're looking for is all up for trade. I need 1 Energy Gain also if u have it. And like i said im not gonna trade much for those DP collection wants. Get me an offer, thanks!

SotH: I see these:

Garchomp Lv. X
Glaceon Lv. X
Dusknoir Lv. X
Porygon Z Lv. X (low)
Giratina Lv. X (low)

LMK and get me an offer if youre interested, thanks!
RE: HAVE PLATINUM! H: Shaymin Lv.X Land, RH Claydol x 2, and more

Ooopps, don't have Dusky X any more, but anyways would you do:

Garchomp lv.X (JP promo or MD)

Rocket's Suicune EX
Rocket's Raikou EX

RE: HAVE PLATINUM! H: Shaymin Lv.X Land, RH Claydol x 2, and more

SotH: Are you willing to throw in a DP rare Steelix or Gengar? And is the Garchomp near mint condition? LMK thanks

: Saw nothing

el Põkedad: I'll pass on your offer, sorry.
RE: HAVE PLATINUM! H: Shaymin Lv.X Land, RH Claydol x 2, and more

I can throw in Steelix, I don't have Gengar anymore.

Also, the only one that is 100% mint is the JP promo one.
One of them is like 94% because it has scratches and a little dent at the top.
Other one has peelings on the side so you wouldn't want that one.
RE: HAVE PLATINUM! H: Shaymin Lv.X Land, RH Claydol x 2, and more

CML for Shaymin land form LvX and for Broken Time Space, x2 Blissey PT, and for x2 LvMax.
RE: HAVE PLATINUM! H: Shaymin Lv.X Land, RH Claydol x 2, and more

SotH : Ok I guess I would only take the Jap Promo One. Does it translate to the exact thing the MD one does? And is the Steelix near mint and is it a regular rare, not a RH? If so this is a deal:

Rocket's Suicune EX
Rocket's Raikou EX

Garchomp LV. X (Jap)
Steelix DP Regular Rare

Muddy68: Didnt see anything for Shaymin Lv. X. Kinda interested in your Toxicroak G x 2. LMK
RE: HAVE PLATINUM! H: Shaymin Lv.X Land, RH Claydol x 2, and more

I need any PT cards.
RE: HAVE PLATINUM! H: Shaymin Lv.X Land, RH Claydol x 2, and more

yes it translates the same, also yes everything I have is mint except for those two garchomps I told you about and it is the regular steelix.

PM me.