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Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, Blaze FB, Garchomp C X

Garchomp C Lv. X
Infernape 4 Lv. X

Luxray GL Lv. X
RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, and more

My mesprit LA RH flying pikachu Shiftry RR H and RH rotom md for your claydol and Darkrai md
RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, and more

I'm very interested in your 1x Luxray GL Lv X and 1x Blaziken FB Lv X. CML for them. I have an Infernape 4 Lv X unlisted if you're interested...
RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, and more

Would you be willing to trade 1x Claydol (perhaps RH) + sth small for my Floatzel GL LV.X?

CML to see if anything else your eyes spot.
RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, and more

CML for
1 RH Gengar SF
1 Nidorina MT(if you have it)
2 Cynthia's Feelings(if you have it)
1 Broken Time Space(if you have it)
1 Absol SW
1 Absol G
RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, and more

ace11: Really? Where does it say I need Shiftry and Rotom? And either way Claydol is worth ALOT more than any of that.

Garchomp: Ehhh I'm gonna have to pass unless you can make me a good offer. LMK

The_Joker: No thanks

CFOURCOLTSFAN: Really just looking for my wants at this time.

emoto4444: No thanks
RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, Garchomp C X, and more

I REALLY like the Shining Gyarados. I have a few Gardevoir SW. LMK and CML. I have an unlisted DGX too.
RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, Garchomp C X, and more

2x claydol ge
Uxie Lv. X
Luxray GL Lv. X x 3
RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, Garchomp C X, and more

EspeonROX: Which Shining Gyarados? Delta or the old one from Neo Revalation? I'd need more than a couple Gardevoir SW for it. Don't see much on your list that I need. Mainly looking for my wants right now.

INFERNAPE112892: Would you trade your Infernape 4 Lv. X for my Claydol GE? LMK thanks
RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, Garchomp C X, and more

not for just one can i throw in something else to get the uxie x
RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, Garchomp C X, and more

Please can you CMl for an Uxie and Uxie X
RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, Garchomp C X, and more

INFERNAPE112892: Claydol and Infernape 4 X are valued exactly the same on ebay so Im not going to give you two. And I see nothing for the Uxie X.

Jackolas: How bout:

Uxie LA

Lugia Neo Genesis
Gardevoir SW

LMK thx
RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, Garchomp C X, and more

Zangoosed said:
INFERNAPE112892: Claydol and Infernape 4 X are valued exactly the same on ebay so Im not going to give you two. And I see nothing for the Uxie X.

Jackolas: How bout:

Uxie LA

Lugia Neo Genesis
Gardevoir SW

LMK thx

OK Pm me details
RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, Garchomp C X, and more

Hi again, I updated my list so please CML.

Im after:
Blaziken FB x 1
Drifblim FB x 2
Luxray GL x 2
Uxie x 1
Unown G

out of you wants I have:
Honchkrow SV x 2 (low want)
Crobat G (throw in)
SP Energy
RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, Garchomp C X, and more

I have these:

Infernape 4 Lv. X
Garchomp SV #5 x 1
Gardevoir SW x 1
Mismagius GL Lv. X (low want)

Collection Wants
Dustox Diamond & Pearl (DP) Regular Rare Non-Holo version (Have Both)

I am interested in these:

Flygon Lv. X
Luxray GL Lv. X x 3

Gengar (Reverse Holo)

Uxie (Only need Non Holo)

Majestic Dawn
Call Energy (reverse foil)

Great Encounters
Claydol x 2 (1 Reverse Holo)
Unown G (Reverse Foil)

LMK an offer.

RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, Garchomp C X, and more

Misa: Dont see much I'd trade that stuff for sorry

AnthonyG: probably not trading the Flygon X. 1 Luxray X could be traded if the offer was good enough. Heres an initial offer though:

Infernape 4 Lv. X
Garchomp SV
Gardevoir SW
Dustox DP

Claydol GE
Gengar (Rev. Holo)
RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, Garchomp C X, and more

Wow isnt this funny on my part...

Can I offer you: My: Garchomp C Lv X, and Flygon Lv X for your Luxray Gl Lv X????

OR Cml. I really need Luxray.

Note: If we can work somthing out here, I'll forget the other trade we talked about Via PM.
RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, Garchomp C X, and more

Zangoosed said:
Misa: don't see much I'd trade that stuff for sorry

I'll cut it down somewhat then
Drifblim FB x 1
Luxray GL x 1
Unown G

that's the barebones of what I need. :)