RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, Garchomp C X, and more
shadoworganoid: Nah I couldnt do that trade. LMK about the original offer for the Garchomp C Lv. X asap, thanks!
YourP1MP: Thats a fair offer, but I really only need Palkia G as trade bait, so not really willing to give up Absol G. Sorry.
The_Clownsta: See nothing sorry.
RE: H: Claydol, Uxie, Luxray X N: Infernape 4 X, Garchomp C X, and more
Hi again.
I have Garchomp C LV.X, Upper Energy and 4 Unown G (3 JPN). Are you interested in them? I'm interested in your Claydol (MAJOR), Uxie LV.X (second major) and Uxie LA (third want). Of course, I don't expect you to trade all these cards for mine.